Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30th, 2013 Commentary on Henri Nouwen's Daily Meditation

In case the above link to Henri Nouwen’s Daily Meditation doesn’t work:
Monday September 30, 2013 
Eucharist, the Sacrament of Communion

Baptism opens the door to the Eucharist.  The Eucharist is the sacrament through which Jesus enters into an intimate, permanent communion with us.  It is the sacrament of the table.  It is the sacrament of food and drink.  It is the sacrament of daily nurture.   While baptism is a once-in-a-lifetime event, the Eucharist can be a monthly, weekly, or even daily occurrence.  Jesus gave us the Eucharist as a constant memory of his life and death.  Not a memory that simply makes us think of him but a memory that makes us members of his body.   That is why Jesus on the evening before he died took bread saying, "This is my Body," and took the cup saying, "This is my Blood."  By eating the Body and drinking the Blood of Christ, we become one with him.

My Commentary:
Within the past ten years or so of experiencing God greatly in my life; there have been some moments at the table that have truly stuck out for me.  That very same late summer of 2003, I would be sponsored to make a Cursillo through the Ecumenical Cursillo Community of Illinois.  The dear friends I had made at my new parish said that I would be truly fed there.  They weren’t kidding!  I don’t know how many of you are familiar with Cursillo retreats but they are comprised of several talks and several opportunities for Worship and Eucharist. 

Nearing the close of the weekend, Pastor Kathy gave a beautiful rollo around GRACE.  She compared God’s Grace to the dust in the air falling all around us, on us and then she presided over the table.  She had a gigantic loaf she consecrated as well as very large chalices of wine for intinction or common cup.  After she said her own beautiful summary of the Words of Institution she began to commune everyone.  Instead of the little dainty pieces that most pastors tear away to spread the bread around… she gave everyone a large piece which took about two bites to finish!  Again the Words said, the voices singing in the background softly I felt tears welling up while I was in the midst of taking in the Lord.  I remember moments like these as if it were yesterday!  This is where we should all aspire to grow faithfully in deeply connecting with the Lord at the table…  For those tears barely holding back were once again Baptismal for me in affirming my spiritual Baptism at the time of my conversion experience earlier that year.

As you see again from the above, the sacraments are very personal to your formation in Christ, through Christ you have new life and under the Cross you live GRACE most profoundly!

God Bless Your Mondays!

Nicole Collins

The digital art below I actually created when I gave my 1st rollo sometime in early 2004~

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