Saturday, April 25, 2015

"Ushering in the Truth;" Sermon for April 26th, 2015 By: Rev. Nicole A.M. Collins

Anyone recall the Edgar Allan Poe short story, ‘The Fall of the House Usher?’ Its actually a fascinating drama that basically the people who lived in this house caused the house itself to cave in upon them to take them to their death…  It is often said that the human body or seat of the soul is like a house. If this house has a firm foundation and cornerstone, it should weather all kinds of destructive outside forces coming down upon it; shouldn’t it?

It all depends however, on who you have listened to and who is the true “key” that you have built your house upon. I found this a fascinating motif in recently experiencing literal giant cracks in several places in my home. Being an avid sensitive to all things spiritual; both my housemate and myself have wondered how these cracks have now all but shrunken back to nearly be invisible and hairline.  Disappearing back into the foundation of our three story town home.

Our housemate feels that it is our guardian spirits who have forced the evil back at bay in my home for all humor aside, our home literally is haunted.  It is terribly funny and surreal to say that but it most definitely has three active “ghosts.”  Two of the spirits I have even witnessed in hearing for the most part constantly whisper at night & I have even recognized my grandmother’s voice to be one of the spirits here! I know what you’re thinking, sounds like you’ve been watching too many ghost hunter type shows, but truth be told… A lot has been confirmed by simply hearing, and not seeing to believe to pursue with a careful curiosity why these spirits are here in the first place?

Jesus in today’s Gospel text tells his disciples through a metaphor about the Shepherd and the sheep, how they are to both listen and stay together for the sake of each other through love.  Keeping it together, building that firm foundation of who you are as a body within the greater Body is ushering in the truth that listening and growing spiritually to the law of love keeps the wolves at bay and builds the body for Christ in thought, word and deed.

We must not forget however that we are broken vessels and have weathered more than our fair share of storms, and evil nearly trying to assault us down to our very core! Which we don’t really want to go down there, down that road to see the cracks and begin to worry and fear why did this even begin?  How did I let this happen in the first place? It could be like going to the dentist and having them say that you’re grinding your teeth and that is why you now have cracked one on both sides needing to be filled to retain a solid structure, integrity.

Contemplating, fretting, moving forward with fear is a human battle in trusting and listening to the Shepherd to steer them towards peace and resolve.  It is much like what John says in his first letter this morning from the overly “ample,” Amplified Bible: “19 By this we shall come to know (perceive, recognize, and understand) that we are of the Truth, and can reassure (quiet, conciliate, and pacify) our hearts in His presence, 20 Whenever our hearts in [tormenting] self-accusation make us feel guilty and condemn us. [For we are in God’s hands.] For He is above and greater than our consciences (our hearts), and He knows (perceives and understands) everything [nothing is hidden from Him].”

What an amazing realization to have about God truly being not only John’s personal shepherd for his life but for them all as a gathering of disciples! For we must tend to the body in order to truly and truthfully be the greater Body in the world through Love, Grace, mercy, peace, compassion and all beautiful fruits Christ has taught us to abide in and bear!  The world around us however has treated the human soul and its needs to be built up and firmed as just patch it and ignore it.  Put a fresh coat of white wash over it all and it will simply just disappear for a while…

Returning to that infamous story of Poe’s and my own true haunted house story… one can just easily ignore the signs and merely say it is the weather or things that are simply causing changes to the home’s foundation; but then that would be greatly ignoring all those voices heard at night, and light grey figures in silhouette seen on occasion at the foot of our bed and the white mists caught in more than a few photographs! Am I scared, strangely enough, no, because I’ve learned who they are and have been deeply listening to what they are trying to say to me and take it into consideration. 

The moral of the story here, is can we take this same attention and apply it to listening deeply to God’s voice, the Great Shepherd speaking to our hearts to hear and abide to CHANGE? Change not to where the soul’s foundation is twisted to fall, cave in upon ourselves, but be transformed like a caterpillar to a butterfly! In the physical world, we move from the homes we’ve come to outgrow much like the caterpillar to the butterfly but it is only lived into on a very empirical, surface level.  Which doesn’t seem connected, like the seemingly dualistic frame of flesh and the spirit… BUT first of all, we are of flesh AND we DO have spirit, we have inherited the Holy Spirit, the breath of true life being born and then reborn in a sense as the children of Grace, the sheep of the Kingdom’s flock where Christ Jesus is our Good and loving Shepherd!

Staying off Satan’s wolves is our spiritual formation battle.  The battle is real and if you can’t handle the truth of that; how can you say you really know what God needs from you and what He does for you?  The BAD theology out there in the growing godless and graceless wilderness of our current troubled times declares with a bold voice built upon a foundation of self: Jesus may have not really been divine at all! He certainly didn’t resurrect and Satan is just a metaphor only for our intellectual edification, moral growth…  Must be nice to be so firmed up by a veneer of empty and dark promises!

Belief just as much as the art of listening itself draws us away from ourselves.  This is the New Nature’s mortar around that fabulous and growing Grace with Christ as the center, purpose and completion to our very being!  Being alive as Spirit and flesh is that reality of the first temple of living “church.”  We are all bodies within the greater Body of Christ.  We must tend to both.  Tending to both bodies can’t be done with a layer of shellac or a band-aid upon the things we want to ignore or close our minds off to for the moment…  We need to truly LIVE for the moment guided by prayer, study and our hands and feet dedicated to Christ out of love for Him and neighbor.

Verse 24 of the First John lesson, in the overly “ample,” Amplified Bible says our task most beautifully and profoundly in my perception of Hearing God’s Word in this very moment(!), he says: “24 All who keep His commandments [who obey His orders and follow His plan, live and continue to live, to stay and] abide in Him, and He in them. [They let Christ be a home to them and they are the home of Christ.] And by this we know and understand and have the proof that He [really] lives and makes His home in us: by the [Holy] Spirit Whom He has given us.”

If we are to usher in, truly and truthfully as Jesus’ disciples in this dark age, the Gospel of love and peace for all the world to build towards a greater foundation…  We must start with ourselves.  The temple of the self to be rededicated to and for Christ.  It is through Him, we have life.  It is through Him we become truly aware, way beyond ourselves for the sake of the other. 

I’ll leave you with a closing note on something I read the other day from a secular “existentialist magazine” about being selfless.  Basically the author says that being or becoming selfless, altruism is an urgent quest of “humanistic psychology.”  I would like to couple this with the lens of faith given, however, being that we were created by God for God and became “human.”  The mind is not its own temple but one to truly be shaped.  This must begin in the “gut” as one of the fabulous Greek words in today’s lessons uses: splagxnon.  This word literally means the internal organs and figuratively in John’s first letter means to have a gut-level compassion; to have the capacity to feel deep emotions.  For me, I understand this as heart knowledge, led, fed by God’s Living Word and its impact upon my life.

Heart knowledge is the mortar to who I am through Christ who indeed I am listening and aspiring continually to abide in.  To abide in Him who has made my body for His will and precepts out of love, through love; I move forward!  Weathering those settling cracks, keeping the “ghosts of the past,” and my Old Nature at bay to break free. To truly and truthfully break free to fly into the horizon towards that beautiful guiding Light of the Great and Good Shepherd, Christ Jesus my Lord and truly, always, my Savior!

4th Sunday of Easter; April 26th, 2015; Year B; SOLA Lectionary; 
Sermon by Reverend Nicole A.M. Collins
Psalm 23; Acts 4:1-12; 1 John 3:16-24 & John 10:11-18

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