Saturday, April 4, 2015

"Heart Instructions;" Sermon for Easter Sunday by Rev. Nicole A.M. Collins

“But by the grace of God I am what I am…” says St. Paul and he continues to say: and His Grace towards me has not been in vain.” Here are the words of developing heart knowledge at the peak of realizing the impact of Jesus’ resurrection. The Word Resurrection literally means to come awake, and as far as the Christian is concerned, to become awake is the reality of God’s Grace active in the world as a profoundly beautiful and intense spiritual experience.

This beauty and its spiritual intensity echo the Psalmist words: “11You show me the path of life. In your presence there is fullness of joy…” Reaching this impasse is reaching that cross to travel down that road where the stone has been removed and we are truly free!  Free to be in, with and through Christ Jesus the Lord of all—the sovereign King of Grace—alleluia and amen! Grace is that New Manna from heaven that fills the soul and builds up the Body.

Building up the Body takes a resurrected frame of mind however.  One cannot realize this until they truly begin to live into their faith.  Living into your faith is beginning that process of turning your heart towards God to be shaped by the Grace that abundantly ebb and flows throughout your lifetime’s journey!

We’ve all at some point have said the saying that people, places and things happen or intersects our life for a reason.  I believe that all of these moments are teachable moments to guide us not into peril but faithfully unto God’s beautiful, intended path for us.  This past Friday made my official first Good Friday service as a pastor for the Church of Christ.  Like a little kid, I am savoring every moment of ministry I get engaged into. 

Being immersed in everything and anything ministry made a funny conversation at our text study this past Saturday morning.  Being a ministry team of three ordained pastors & an additional soon-to-be pastor at the main church plant; one of our team mates remarked that we’re like Charlie’s Angels… What was terrible funny about that is that the senior pastor is a man & the rest of us are all women.  On a spiritual note, I thought about those women coming to Jesus’ tomb and how little is mentioned of the women disciples Jesus had in His ministry.

Here they were, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome coming to anoint the body with spices and care for Jesus’ tomb.  It was a somber occasion but they needed to tend to Jesus. Little did they first realize when that giant stone was gone… Jesus was more than risen!  He had risen indeed!  Alleluia and thanks Be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for a New life granted unto us all!  We can’t truly and truthfully imagine the terror and excitement they must have been feeling for it was 2,000 something years ago as well as buried again in the all too human tomb of ritual, doctrine and personal agenda…

Several months back one of the many awful stories about the activities of ISIS included their utter destruction of the tomb of Jonah.  The Old Testament story of Jonah and the whale was ironically first intended to be a satire in speaking to the human condition in battling human will against God’s will…  What Jonah and the whale became for the early Christians was a profound symbol of the resurrection and the New Nature.  For ISIS to destroy such a symbol was profoundly and frankly diabolically evil to the person of faith but only made the ticker-tape underneath the trivial stories of our personal divisions and judgmentalism…

After all, there is new theological scholarship out there believing that Jesus really didn’t resurrect as well as He’s not really divine.  Even typing or saying these words are disturbing for me… for my faith is very real and my heart has grown through Grace and its instructions to my heart to truly LIVE!  I can only echo St. Paul’s words in saying I am who I am because of Christ Jesus and His profound impact upon my life.  That foundation of “self” though, has to go through battle especially when the Evil One tries to bind us to our will and narrow world view.

Being bound to the world of the self with its idolatry, ideologies and hardened vision is like being in a tomb.  You have made yourself a prisoner where you have swallowed death and have no idea what it means to be free in, with and through Grace! Life can seem uncertain and you fear the future, you fear your every footstep into the unknown.  Those tears shed are not felt baptismally than they are felt with weariness and despair…  We must not go on this way!  We cannot go on this way for the sake of Him who gave His life for us and ROSE as a rose on our Path in that wilderness!

One thing I have learned about flowers or roses in particular that is really kind of interesting is that when they bloom and begin to truly open people consider them beginning to die and don’t want to buy them…  They want the still closed rose which makes actually an ironic metaphor for the human condition in thinking about Christ Jesus’ resurrect and His impact upon our lives as truly children of Grace.  Isn’t when the rose blooms that it is its most beautiful, its most mature?  We’re not focusing on age so much more than as a disciple of Jesus we must think about that bloom as our formation as the Body of Christ in the world but not of it.

We must roll away that heavy, impenetrable stone from the potential tomb of our soul’s freedom in, with and through Christ.  In, with and through Christ is the song the heart must sing in order to truly grow, to truly rise from the sin, death and bondage the Evil One tries to placate our lives with!

In the Garden of Gethsemane before His crucifixion Jesus says most profoundly to His disciples:  “Are you able to drink from the cup I am about to drink from?”  Little did they realize in just saying yes, there would be so much more for them to grow into doing, being as Christ’s servants of the Gospel! Our lives need to demolish those boundary lines and fill our “Cup” or heart with God for God and live to love my neighbor.

Living to love my neighbor has been God’s first lesson to me as a new pastor.  This past week we jointly as a new little family my husband, myself and Sharon looked for a new home that has both handicap features as well as much more space for us all.  Change is something I most heartily long to embrace especially when it comes to moving!  We are not however, naturally inclined to want to change at all… so I am definitely the oddball in looking forward to not only changing addresses but growing as a disciple and pastor to not only proclaim the Good News but truly live it!

Rolling away that giant stone is very hard and feels the pain of tears that I must remind myself are baptismal—all a grand part of God’s beautiful path of Grace in my life.  My life is not to be about me but is to be for Him, through HIM, through a resurrected heart dead to the Old Nature and most profoundly alive in the New!  My faith is strong and I have picked up my cross to follow Him as well as I must embrace that cup in order to truly be glad and rejoice in His salvation…

No matter how evil the times are becoming, we must not lose heart.  We must build that foundation of our heart with the power of Christ Jesus resurrection and its continuing presence in everything and in anything we see, do, be and become! Let’s say this again and hear it deeply:
Christ has risen!  He has risen indeed Alleluia! & AMEN

April 5th, 2015; Resurrection of Our Lord; Year B; SOLA Lectionary; Rev. Nicole A.M. Collins
Psalm 16; Isaiah 25:6-9; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 and Mark 16:1-8

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