Saturday, January 30, 2016

"A Truthful Conditional;" Sermon for January 31st, 2015 by Rev. Nicole A.M. Collins, FODM

Let your life be a sermon, a testimony of God’s love realized and incorporated in your life! Say it, Live it & Give it!
Spiritual warfare however can and will definitely fight you over allowing this to even come to fruition.  This is the path we have chosen, those who call themselves disciples of Jesus.  It is operated by and through a journey to love unconditionally.

Wow, that’s just as mind blowing to truthfully contemplate as the Beatitudes of Jesus.  They were of an authority and conditional that we still don’t really understand yet alone can truly incorporate.  There are hints though around us in seeing unconditional love even in the simplest of things… For example, every evening I look forward to time with my cats.  Let me tell you, cats DO as well as other innocent creatures show great love.

Love just like happiness are Pandora’s boxes of confusion, stumbling blocks and places the Evil One will go to battle within you to try to sabotage and destroy. Speaking for myself, for years, happiness has been one of those complex battlegrounds. A Battleground that as a disciple of Jesus, Satan has tried to win a victory over and crush my spirits.  Despair and having no faith in yourself can burgeon a great unhappiness yet alone confusion over purpose and your place on the journey of the long and winding road of your calling from God.

Perhaps the Old Nature has made a conditional within the heart to doubt and despair… Whoever said being a Soldier for Christ would ever be easy yet alone not require a commitment to service?  Are you used to being served or do you truly and truthfully live into serving others for the Glory of God?  Being Justified by Faith through Grace isn’t enough—the seed must be reaped through your life’s response! And only to those who operate through the ego—do you misunderstand this as works righteousness.  God’s plans and our hands and hearts are not to be agenda based!

We must prayerfully hear St. Paul’s Words deeply in that transforming battleground of the heart: “12a For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face.” Standing firm in God’s love is a lifetime’s journey of struggling against evil, against all that imprisons and drags us down… Love is the most powerful authority God has not only exampled to us through Christ Jesus but something we don’t need to be conditional about!

When I think of innocence and love as a newly forming postulant in the Franciscan Order of Divine Mercy…  I’ve been reflecting on two things.  The first being the beauty and innocence of God’s creatures and how they try to survive around us and our graceless behavior… St. Francis was a lover of animals and went out of his way to care for God’s creatures as a part of his calling to share love. The second item I have been reflecting upon is the notion of “Divine Mercy.”

Mercy is Compassion, Compassion is empathy but what binds these words together is that they are adjectives for a love that goes beyond our human understanding to truthfully achieve: agape Love—unconditional love. If those tears of struggling can’t bear hope any longer for the future yet alone realize the ultimate goal and purpose of loving God and neighbor… then the Evil One is winning the spiritual battle.

It is hard to go outside of yourself to see, experience, realize the world around you as a place needing your love, care, concern, peace, mercy, kindness…  St. Francis wants us to live into what I mentioned in last week’s sermon—to be an empty vessel repurposed for the Lord’s use—Be and become not only an instrument of His Peace incorporated prayerfully into your life but to be convicted in serving. 

The Evil One as “spirits” as anyone suffering from alcoholism or having family members with an alcohol addiction know; your resolve to live into your faith is challenged.  Faith is challenged all the time and the face of evil is hard to see but does show its ugly face or bear its ugly fruit from time to time when you are being tested.  We are not to be caving into ourselves where we become islands unto ourselves and only serve others for our own agendas and goals.

This would only prove to be a path into a wilderness you may not be able to escape from during your lifetime.  Then what purpose does life serve?  How awful a thought, how personally destructive!  This reminds me of the wonderful book about the two natures—the Old and the New: “Adjust or Self Destruct,” by LCMS Pastor Craig Massey. The very conclusion from his first chapter speaks and rejoices in the truth of today’s lessons: “When a person receives Christ, the Old Nature (Old man/ Old woman) is crucified with Him on Calvary and a new creation takes place.  With that New Creation, a battle begins as the Old Nature and the New Nature compete for control.  If the Old Nature goes unchecked, the Christian life falls apart.  The Christian becomes sinful, guilt-ridden, negative, depressive…  When the New Nature is kept healthy… an exhilarating faith, love, joy and peace become the believer’s experience.”

Reverend Massey’s theology in this book may be overly simplifying the road we all must face but speaking the truth in, through love is a harsh one that reveals an even greater truth, an even greater need! We are definitely predestined but a destination that is to love and serve—no strings attached, also meaning, no conditionals but to BE and DO as a child of Grace and Promise!

Today’s Gospel reveals the hidden voice of evil that lashes out at Jesus through a young man with an unclean spirit: 34“Let us alone! What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God.”  The amazing authoritative power of Jesus’ Words, of Jesus’ love not only rebukes the spirits but restores the young man back to health.

We all confront evil in some form or another in our daily lives and at those moments when you see in your heart God’s tears as a healing balm to your soul is when you know that He has won another victory against Satan for control of your journey! These are those moments as well that help shape our hearts to KNOW God’s unconditional love for us and promise to us that He walks with us—we are never alone, we are never forsaken! And I say—
Thanks be to God and truly Hallelujah!

In a few days it will once again be Groundhog’s Day and that time of year I will be enjoying watching one of my all-time favorite films—Groundhog’s Day with Bill Murray.  Hard to believe that film is actually 23 years old… but a timeless comedy classic to see someone struggle to change.  As the movie goes, Phil Connors magically and almost sadistically relives the same day over and over till he finally has a complete epiphany to change his whole entire life for the better!

At first of course, the emotional roller coaster of doubts, despair, anger and all his fears hit him one after the other once he goes through this ridiculously funny “hiccup” of one ironic day—Groundhog’s day. Does Phil Connors’ see his shadow?  Yes he does—the shadow and darkness of his pain and spiritual struggles…  Does Phil Connors eventually see the light? Yes he does!

The profound aspect or power of the film for me comes when after he commits several failed suicide attempts to “kill” off all he’s spiritually battling with… he realizes he needs to love.  Phil Connors not only has to love himself (as God wants us to love ourselves) but he realizes that he needs to love and falls in love with Rita.  His entire personality, his entire being does in fact live into that wonderful image from the beginning of my sermon: “Let your life be a sermon, a testimony of God’s love realized and incorporated in your life! Say it, Live it & Give it!”

Saying it to live, living it for God and neighbor by giving all that you can be in the face of evil, sorrow and darkness is something I have to gird up for…  Others may pay no heed to what you do or take you seriously but remember, it’s not about you!  Being a disciple of Jesus is a mission and sometimes those days are going to “hiccup” with impatience, despair, sadness and pain…  But remember what St. Paul has said about love: “4Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant 5or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. 7It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

Do the world a favor, look inwardly through prayer—are you where God needs you to be?  Who’s winning the battle?

Let us Pray:
Gracious Lord Jesus,
I must remember always
That You are my mighty Fortress
You do walk with me as I keep on, keeping on
Help me to fully realize and reap that New Nature
You have given as the greatest gift of Your Grace
Help me to faithfully gird my heart to battle against the Evil One’s Temptations
May I truly Be and Become an instrument of Your Peace, Love and Hope
In this dark and challenging world.
In Your most precious and healing Name I pray to You daily—

January 31st, 2016; 4th Sunday after the Epiphany; Year C; SOLA Lectionary
Sermon by: Reverend Nicole A. M. Collins, FODM
Psalm 71:1-11; Jeremiah 1:4-10, 17-19; 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13 & Luke 4:31-44

Below is a link to this morning's delivery at the Grace Hub Lutheran Orthodox House church service at 8am:

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