Saturday, February 21, 2015

"Leading the Extra Mile;" Sermon for the 1st Sunday of Lent by Rev. Nicole A.M. Collins

Luther’s “favorite author,” James, actually has the most beautiful verses to drive home today’s Gospel Truth, He says: “17Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. 18In fulfillment of his own purpose he gave us birth by the word of truth, so that we would become a kind of first fruits of his creatures.”

Let’s digest these two verses again via the overly ample, Amplified Bible: “17 Every good gift and every perfect (free, large, full) gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of all [that gives] light, in [the shining of] Whom there can be no variation [rising or setting] or shadow cast by His turning [as in an eclipse].18 And it was of His own [free] will that He gave us birth [as sons & daughters] by [His] Word of Truth, so that we should be a kind of first fruits of His creatures [a sample of what He created to be consecrated to Himself].”

What is James, taken in light of both the Old covenant and New covenant connection, being tested with? In regards to Abraham in today’s Old Testament passage from the Book of Genesis; God is the one doing the testing upon Abe’s faithful obedience.  With the New Covenant as well as today’s Gospel; it is Satan doing the testing not only upon Jesus in the wilderness, but in James’ letter where the wilderness is our heart & the turf war—spiritual warfare battle, is between faithful obedience to the Will of God versus submission to the temptations of the Evil One.

The last words to come from one of the Coptic Christian’s martyred lips was: “Jesus!”  A Word, impression, expression and Divine presence to be the seal of Grace upon our lives stories—Jesus! Son of man, Son of God, Fully Divine and Fully human we confess this…  How deeply though, is the journey and sacrifice, we all grow into as disciples of Jesus. 

That brings me to a funny realization I had the other day in thinking about being and truly/ truthfully living into the “E” word—Evangelical.  We must remember, we Lutherans have almost a near aversion or mild ambivalence to taking up the task of being EVANGELICAL all caps, full Monty style. We’d rather hide behind our ‘mighty fortress’ of man-made precedence and earthly expansiveness. But hey, we’re human, this is the reality of human nature across the board!

The other worldliness of the Kingdom of God however, is the first fruits to be born into and be transformed by… this is the Spiritual.  We are physical as well as we are spiritual, this is an existential truth that God has born us to bear.  That’s sounds painful doesn’t it? To bear… we bear burdens, we bear the cost of persevering and suffering the graceless wilderness reality of Satan’s evil all around us on this tiny little sphere (earth) floating in a vast sea of a great and glorious landscape of God’s creations! All of these “shining lights” are evolving, revolving and revealing the magnificence of God’s ALL TOO PRESENT reality: LIFE.

As we know though, when we give birth, it is painful but the Joy it brings into the world is amazing.  God’s Grace is amazing and bearing forth all around us and most importantly within us as that New Nature potential due to the reality of God coming to us through Jesus to bear our sins and BE the light of the world! The whole reality of life is a spiritual evolution and the time of Lent is our spiritual preparation for battle….

The words off the lips of that martyred Coptic Christian were from the voice of that man’s heart crying out the profound truth of what has driven his whole life’s journey: JESUS! Jesus was the healing balm and battle cry for a man to slash out with his last spirited breath before the enemy… the true victor.  This very moment reminded me of my favorite film version of the story of Jesus being Franco Zeffirelli’s Jesus of Nazareth from 1977.

As we know, John the Baptist never became a New Covenant figure yet alone a disciple of Jesus but knew deeply where and how God was qualifying and calling him to be used for His plans. In many ways similar to Abe’s story in Genesis, John was obedient and very much an evangelist!  So much so, was John bound and determined to persevere his suffering in Herod’s prison cell, that he was unceasing in his efforts to try to talk Herod out of committing grave sin.  Herod as we know caved into temptation and “silenced” supposedly John’s voice by beheading him much like the ISIS soldier.

For all we know, Herod could’ve been using John the Baptist’s beheading as propaganda to further his cause to rule with “perfect” obedience from his subjects….  The ISIS acts are very much in the same vein, to rule with terror, paranoia and other ugly fruits of the Evil One’s plans for domination. We don’t really hear about John the Baptist’s beheading in today’s Gospel but it is alluded to.  On that same note, we haven’t heard much about the activities of ISIS except for the one’s the media’s allowed to reveal strategically that is…

These are events, places and people revealing all too clearly and profoundly just how successful evil can become in the world when we are not living deeply into our accountability to growing, harboring the reality of Grace as children of God—implanted with that New Nature capacity to Go that extra mile in loving God and neighbor.  That extra mile is that “radical” role we are called by and for faith through Grace to BEAR. My love for Jesus, my Lord and Savior is NOT an ideology… it is the fruit of the Good News impact on my soul—that invisible, non-material, abstract “entity” of the spiritual realm of who we all really are!

Life is spirit at the very core—that Spirit is Christ to whom we owe our lives in faithful, gracious response to, plain and simple. We have to stop turning away from this reality, hiding it away in our intellectual idolatries, sophistries of worldly temptations.  We have not “arrived” nor will we truly ever, for we must remember as St. Paul said that we all fall short of the Glory of God, period. We are however, all called to spiritually mature which is hard for the Old Adam and the Old Eve to bear. We are both aspiring saints as well as wanton sinners.  Truth be told as well, we really CAN’T have our cake and eat it too… though we always continue to try, to our own destruction and others’ detriment.

We need our hearts to deeply embrace the Psalmist’s song: “4Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. 5Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long.” The Psalmist continues: “9He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way. 10All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep his covenant and his decrees.”

Keeping the faith is all Jesus beckons us through His Grace to prayerfully, spiritually adhere to. While the road becomes ever more burdened with the Evil One’s traps, pits, glass ceilings and temptations; we are all called to press on. We will have moments where the sword of the enemy will cut down our spirits, seemingly truncating our efforts to either his victory of utter despair and sadness or for Christ.  Christ will be the victor, where our tears remind and shape us through our Baptism and the pain felt in our hearts is quieted by a profound, joyous hope…

We need to look out at that wilderness of the world as spiritual soldiers for the Gospel… and say to ourselves:  Do I want to be a part of growing the graceless wilderness, reality of HELL that the Evil One, who is real btw… or DO I want to live for Christ and be and become a New Nature driven Child of Grace growing the reality of the Kingdom of God? I chose Christ.

1st Sunday in Lent; February 22nd, 2015; Year B; SOLA Lectionary;
Sermon By: Rev. Nicole A.M. Collins
Psalm 25:1-10; Genesis 22:1-18; James 1:12-18; Mark 1:9-15

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