Saturday, February 7, 2015

"Introvation;" Sermon for Sunday February 8th, 2015 by Rev. Nicole A.M. Collins

Being an introvert and an Evangelical is kind of an oxymoron, when you come to think of it… perhaps the Lutheran side of me fits better with the introvert? A LOL there…. Being empowered by and for God to live into a particular servant-driven humility is answering that Baptismal calling of taking on the challenge of being a disciple of Jesus. It is truly living “into” Christ to be “out” with the Gospel.

I found a funny article online by Carl King called “Ten myths about introverts,” (  I was initially driven to search for this article in conjunction with recently spiritually and pastorally adjusting slash preparing myself to host a guest I would be caring for as well as ministering to.  I thought it was funny thinking back to the early days of my seminary journey and remembering my Myers-Briggs category being INFJ (Introvert, Feeling and Judging).

When it comes down to it, it’s all a matter of perspective as well as most importantly an aspect of being human.  Everybody’s got their limits… though God would like us to be UN-limited!  In the beginning, the Old Nature side of myself was raising those “screaming red flags” saying I NEED ME time!  Once I got my spiritual ducks in a row, I started to grow in seeing the beauty of what called me into ministry in the first place: Loving neighbor.  The Joy of the Kingdom of God and its abundant ever-flowing fount of Grace is being empowered through and for Christ to CARE.

What is the face of care, however? I ask this in the here and now of a world spinning towards its own man-made destruction… spiritually speaking that is… The Prophet Isaiah speaks: “Have you not known? (Many a Times we claim to know, don’t we?), Have you not heard? (Many a Times we claim to listen....), Have you not known that you are God's own?” Truth be told it’s hard to get into that place, that zone especially when you feel unsupported and devalued in your efforts by others. Is this however The Evil One’s efforts working inwardly to bring forth our negativity, fear and insecurity?  To a degree, Yes, it is!… as well as on many occasions, we, ourselves cut down others in misunderstanding and through being puffed up in our curved inward intellectual arrogance about God’s mandate for the Priesthood of All Believers.

Saying I don't understand goes way deeper especially if you're coming from the inside venturing towards that metaphoric spiritual door leading out into the world, beyond the ways and means of the world. The Pharisees couldn’t deal with Jesus’ ministry and motives yet alone at many times His disciples.  Peter in today’s Gospel wants Jesus to stay behind and seems perplexed at His need to go and continue to serve beyond where they were.  The same could be said for today with the “overly established Church:” Robes, stoles, Hymnals, crosses and paper are temporal but create something valuable.... to a degree.  The true treasure is the heart of the servant lived with, in, and for the king of Grace, peace and mercy—Jesus.  It is by no means "playing church" or to be merely an intellectual treatise…

There are times all of us have been here: “If life is just a game, I would rather get off the ride.” Another favorite of mine is the old Groucho Marx statement: “I wouldn’t want to belong to a club that would have me as a member…” I think it is far more...then intellectual forums on "doctrinal legalities..." Where graceless behavior boasts merely of Satan's work upon the sinner's all too wavering conscience!

For IF we fall prey to this…
Peace can become myth, IF the heart is not willing to bend but remain in bondage to the self over the Living Word.   How can we know though IF we never try? The sad trail of despair this could cause, muddies our motivation.  Motivation is the key but it needs that profound sense of trust in the Lord and His good timing (Living into the Big H of humility) to be and become empowered to take up that cross, follow and lead as a servant not a scholar! The Old Nature loves to encourage the idol of our wealth of knowledge to take precedence over truly and truthfully knowing our spiritual place in the Lord’s family… Are we not children of God, (to be) children of Grace?

Mercy can become merciless if all we can create is fear and indifference. How can the heart comprehend and be shaped by and for God IF we are unwilling, indifferent to truly loving neighbor? I thought about this, alongside these texts in being concerned for my guest in how the hospital not only lost her lower set of dentures and her coat… but said they couldn’t help her.  The social workers couldn’t help her, the township couldn’t help her and so on! It is beyond sad as well as frankly disturbing… The idol of money took precedence over care and concern for someone’s needs.

There's a lot of "IFs" here... When you come to think of it, the human condition is truly to "blame..." Being conditional is a lot more attractive than being conditioned. We would rather run the race for that temporal medal or accolade than for the eternal glory and blessing of God. Such is the stress and pain of genuine, faithful discipleship! Poor St. Paul, he suffered such a heavy burden trying to teach the wayward Corinthians to see things and their faith journey from a Godly perspective.  The only way he could reach out to them as their pastor is sharing introspectively his conversion-fed heart knowledge that he had to: “22bbecome all things to all people that I might by all means save some. 23I do it all for the sake of the gospel, so that I may share in its blessings.”

Paul as well earlier in today’s letter illustrates that blessing comes from living faithfully into our baptism: “16If I proclaim the gospel, this gives me no ground for boasting, for an obligation is laid on me, and woe to me if I do not proclaim the gospel! 17For if I do this of my own will, I have a reward; but if not of my own will, I am entrusted with a commission. 18What then is my reward? Just this: that in my proclamation I may make the gospel free of charge, so as not to make full use of my rights in the gospel.” He concludes in saying: “19For though I am free with respect to all, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I might win more of them.”

Running the race with no destination or goal holds little value more than being about vice. Are you spiritually in vices’ grip catering and in bondage to the world? Or are you living into that New Creation, New Nature waiting to tear free from sin, death and the devil? I want to be free… but I am not.  This is not just my dilemma but for all of us somewhere on the path of our journey to serving Christ and neighbor.

What’s the difference between being introspective and introverted?  They both include the prefix of “intro,” which one could see through a particular lens of faith as the journey is always going to include some kind of introduction into something new or unexpected…. Being introspective from a humble and teachable place of the heart is not only truthfully living into accountability but also being and becoming obedient in order to spiritually mature.  Spiritual maturity is an ongoing process as Pastor Eric would say—reflection, confession, repentance and renewal. Being introverted is both a social challenge and a particular perspective in many ways since it could be prayerfully shaped into what makes one truly KNOW empathy—listening to God & loving neighbor also known as compassion, love, mercy, kindness, peace...

Recall Isaiah’s Words again:  “Have you not heard?”  Well, have you? There will be a short quiz at the end of the sermon to see if you were listening~ just kidding!  Seriously though, do you prayerfully listen to God as well as your neighbor to whom you are commissioned to minister to, in order to live into being a faithful, faith-filled—spiritually charged disciple?  It’s a tall order, one that many will not either touch with a ten foot pole or even remotely be supportive to others who do tap into that fount of power—God’s Amazing Grace and blessedness.

Why would there even be people like that?  People who don’t support ministry yet alone the Biblical mandate of the Gospel being a spiritual treatise over an intellectual one to bear forth the fruit of the Kingdom of God… This is the war that rages on between catering to the Old Nature with its idolatry, gracelessness and accolades and the New Nature which is radical ego-crushing, soul shaping and character building prayerful humility!  Who are you going to let be the Victor? The cross or the grave?!

Sunday February 8th, 2015; 5th Sunday after Epiphany; Year B; SOLA Lectionary; 
Rev. Nicole A.M. Collins
Psalm 147:1-11; Isaiah 40:21-31; 1 Corinthians 9:16-27 & Mark 1:29-39

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