Sunday, June 1, 2014

"Gracious Mission;" Sermon for June 1st, 2014 by Nicole Collins

2,000 something years later we are still working on understanding as well as realizing Christ’s mission in the world. Can we claim to have lived into that down pour of the gracious reigning presence of God successfully as the “Body?” Or have we merely created our own “ministry” centered on everything man-made except for Christ Jesus’ Gospel?

We are in the season of graduations.  It is officially Spring time in Chicago, where the trees are budding as well as lives are being and becoming as their individual journeys begin a whole new leaf!  It is the season of ‘New Life,’ most literally and spiritually.  All that hard work bears fruit as you embark upon a brand new journey!

Looking up the meaning of the word Apostle in my “Anchor” Bible dictionary series has it to mean:  to be an envoy, missionary, ambassador who carries the message of the Gospel.  When we profess the Apostle’s creed nearly every week, we are in essence, in the presence of God confessing what we believe, who we are and whose we are...  How real is it though beyond the people-under-the-steeple, post Sunday reality?

Knowledge is subjective as well as can be misguidedly shaped to respond only to our visions and missions.  What about heart knowledge?  This being a special kind of knowledge to truly live into Christ’s mission of a gracious outpouring of lives bearing the fruit of love, peace, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, kindness, etc. 

As Christians, we’ve not been too successful in truly or truthfully standing up for our faith since we are in an era of “political correctness,” indifference and a wave of martyrs not being heard yet alone stirring the heart to real action!  This past week in the news was an awful story about a young mother giving birth in shackles & awaiting her death sentence merely for not caving into renouncing her faith in Christ!

In the “name” of misguided, intolerant faith; justifies gravely evil sin.  We could just declare it an action of political extremism...  BUT the Muslim culture, as well as many others, is a man-made culture of belief—their own religion, understanding of God.  Satan preys upon our construction of agenda, vision and mission so much so that instead of an outpouring of reigning GRACE we have a field of blood—A field of blood in a graceless wilderness!

All Judas Iscariot wanted was a leader who’d be just the right kind of warrior to crush the Romans and lead the Israelites back into power to be “God’s Chosen People,” once again...  He was thinking like a practical educated man: “We couldn’t possibly have victory over the Romans with a spiritual missional manifesto of being and becoming love to both God and neighbor?  Jesus is just being a dreamer, he’s not being a realist!”

What did Judas’ mission truly accomplish for him in the end, however?  His own bloody suicide upon a hill drenched in guilt and sin!  Instead of hanging on to the tree of life, he chose to hang from the tree of death.  Nothing realized “glory...” only death, division and destruction.  The remaining Apostles had to almost literally draw straws to keep that missional number of 12 disciples going forward.  The remaining—knew they were a remnant that must break the bondage of that Word remnant, to grow and go with the Gospel!

Lest we forget...Who were they though? They were a bunch of ordinary men & women living beyond the world’s expectations of them into being extraordinary through Christ who was indeed their hope, salvation, cornerstone and reason!  The mortar to their united faith was being humble, disciplining themselves, resisting Satan and most importantly making that grand leap of faith.  The grand leap of faith that no one can ever completely or perfectly prepare for, IS the discipleship journey.

Eleven years after conversion, six years of seminary, lots of debt, and lots of loss later...  The Mortarboard is not so much a weird square hat to don at one’s graduation, but is a symbol.  Speaking for myself, this is a symbol of the glory of God reigning, pouring down upon me as He has been my reason and mortar to my heart’s knowledge of being/ becoming for His Gospel’s mission NOT mine!

‘The Way,’ through our own human nature has perhaps “lost its way” when we harbor so much division, revision, lawlessness and ulterior motivation to our “in-name-only” unity as the Bodies of Christ in the world today.  What does the face of Christ’s mission in the world look like in the here and now?  If we are doing nothing but fighting continual personal battles laced with political corruption and judgmentalism we fail the discipleship imperative Christ gave His Apostles to build the Kingdom here and now through LOVE and His Word.

There are seas of assemblies, convocations and forums taking place around this time of year—Spring means New Life, so why not have our “united” dialogues, team planning and fellowship now? As we know from the past, assemblies have torn the (man-made) church apart—divided truthfully as Satan’s victory to take us away from the Mission, Vision, and TRUTH of the Gospel being Jesus, PERIOD!

There are no sides politically represented here in this sermon, for this sermon as well as myself ARE about JESUS ALONE.  Remember we Lutheran Christians believe and in some ways or fashion, are bound to the notion of Christ Alone, Scripture Alone, Grace Alone and Faith Alone. This is our ‘united,’ doctrinal mantra of following Christ.

Under the larger umbrella, however, for the disciple of Jesus, answering His Call, commission and obedience to His Holy Spirit’s formation within the Heart—the seat of the soul, our identity IS true union and unity with, and for Christ Alone Period.  There are many of us that have completely fallen prey to being more or less disciples of Judas.  Look, it makes sense to us, doesn’t it?  Jesus wasn’t meeting Judas’ political activist (human) expectations of mission...

In our reality of the Body of disciples today, we are doing more or less the same thing. The soft-serve, cheap grace gospel has placed Christ back at that point of his earthly ministry to remain earthly, not Divine.... Jesus’ mission and identity had to be rewritten into a version of Judas’ expectations now realized as a “benign socialist,” merely a prophet transactionally delivering upon all Epicurean ideas & agendas.  The reality of the Gospel of GRACE—His life, death and resurrection have been put on the backburner of true discipleship missional work to be done, for our own self-concerned purposes and mission.

Witnessing again, as a recent graduate preparing for a life devoted, humbled, dedicated and committed to Christ Jesus Alone...  All I can do truly and truthfully is continue to BE and Become who Christ wants me to be.  The question left for you, is have you accepted this journey—are you really living into that lifestyle of Grace Jesus has poured upon us, reigning in our hearts—realizing His Glory?

7th Sunday of Easter; June 1st, 2014; Year A; SOLA Lectionary                Nicole Collins
Psalm 68:1-10 (RCL—32-35); Acts 1:12-26; 1 Peter 4:12-19; 5:6-11;  John 17:1-11

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