Friday, June 6, 2014

"Flowing Spirit;" Sermon for Pentecost Sunday by Nicole Collins

From the New York Daily News: “Gwyneth Paltrow is causing controversy again with a statement on her lifestyle website Goop about her belief that water might have feelings.

The 41-year-old actress, who recently split from her husband Chris Martin, endorsed the work of Japanese doctor Masuru Emoto, who has published several books on the theory that human consciousness can change the structure of water.

"I have long had Dr. Emoto's coffee table book on how negativity changes the structure of water," Paltrow wrote on her blog. "How the molecules behave differently depending on the words or music being expressed around it."

"I am fascinated by the growing science behind the energy of consciousness and its effects on matter," Paltrow added.

Paltrow goes on to share the theories of Emoto through Dr. Habib Sadeghi in her newsletter. In his column, Sadeghi claims he "proved that energy generated by positive or negative words can actually change the physical structure of an object."

Just the other evening, waiting to have dinner, my husband & I watched for a moment on Fox that somewhat insufferable show TMZ.  It’s your basic ad hoc Hollywood Inquirer magazine with several paparazzi “news” reporters who are more or less set out upon making fun of celebrities. 

Tonight’s episode was no exception except for the fact that two spiritual, theological “flags” rose up for me in hearing about the actress’ scientific fascination with water: a. Biblically we have always understood “water” as the source of life b. Theologically the waters of Baptism & Jesus’ own Words (in the Gospel of John that is) often allude to water spiritually cleansing and converting us.

I highly doubt that water has feelings... but perhaps what Ms. Paltrow discovered without even seeking it is the realm and reality of the Spirit.  The spiritual nature and our “collisions” with the Spirit working in our lives most often doesn’t make sense to the world outside of our individual encounters with God.

For instance, When I have often shared (at this time of year, especially) my conversion experience and how definitely, unequivocally REAL it was... most people have a hard time either believing it or wonder if you’re off your rocker!  I DID however most clearly heard God’s voice speaking to me at that one service to my heart to hear and live into a whole new plan he had designed for me to be in ministry!

My husband has an idyllic memory I don’t, except for that very moment in time and space, 11 years ago, where the God’s Holy Spirit transformed my whole entire person into who I am today.  The tears shed at that service hearing God WERE a renewal of my Baptism—living water, feeding a drought soaked soul.  I didn’t hear today’s Gospel text exactly but the reality and outcome of this text IS what was experienced:

37b... while Jesus was standing there, he cried out, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, 38and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, ‘Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.’” 39aNow he said this about the Spirit, which believers in him were to receive...”

Who am I though? I’m just one of millions of Christians, hopefully not hiding their faith journey away from the scoffers in the world.  Conversion IS REAL: Preach it & Teach it!  The Spirit of God IS real as well as TRANSFORMATIVE.  But in our worldly culture of “A Sunday-only time-slot” for God and the rest of the week being devoted to truthfully intellectual idolatry, Epicureanism and indifference...  We find the mind-numbing sarcasm of the cartoon-like “jesters” in TMZ to speak what we really, “rationally” think about the spiritual and someone’s beliefs.

Hearing all of today’s text from Luke’s book of Acts, do we paint a picture of imagining those lit flames atop the Apostles heads?  Do we truthfully imagine or fathom every one speaking through the Spirit—the unruly Holy Spirit flowing through us as the voice and direction of God guiding our footsteps down the road into the Lifestyle of GRACE?  If we confess any of the creeds of our “united” faith, yes we are “supposed” to believe!

Our Pentecostal brothers and sisters have perhaps to other opinions gone too far in realizing an understanding of that day painted so beautifully by St. Luke in his book of Acts.  Just that one thing stuck out the most for them in sparking their faith and affirmation of the Holy Spirit and His works: Speaking in tongues.

Do many though, even in our own faith circles, ever wonder if they’re just off their rocker when they engage in that “act” of faith?  All I have to say is, who are we to judge and control the Holy Spirit?...  We HAVE no control over the Holy Spirit but WE are challenged through GRACE to become aware of His glorious presence working, in, with and through us as the flowing water of life, passionate flame within the heart, breathy Words spoken to the Soul to CHANGE for His Kingdom’s sake!

This past week I went with some friends to “Starved” Rock state park in Utica, Illinois.  Looking over a Cliffside on a patio sipping iced teas we talked about God working in our lives through us, affirming and challenging us.  The flowing green leaves of the beauty of God’s creation met the edge of the very blue, crystal clear skies... Its boundless depth soaked into our over-flowing Words of the Spirit.  How much we love God, why we are here and How Much God has given us purpose and reason to LIVE for HIM—loving HIM and neighbor!

The Words flowed out from us without rhyme or reason except KNOWING deeply, in UNITY with Christ Jesus where our New journeys now lie ahead for us.  To the World, this moment was just a few seminary friends spending what little money they had to travel some 110 miles out west in the middle of Illinois to have a nice afternoon conversation and some iced tea.  Doesn’t sound like much of anything at all, does it?  Perhaps even praying at the table before we sojourned our way back to our homes caught glances and murmurs...

The faith journey of the disciple is one to always live into that Pentecost reality. The more you become aware of the Spirit’s presence IN you, Working through you, the more you will never be thirsty yet alone “starved.”  God’s Word and Work in your life is what realizes the magnificence of GRACE—real, lived, breathed and spoken!

Just as Jesus commissioned His disciples in another chapter of John’s Gospel we need to hear these Words echo through our daily journeys: “21b.... “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” 22When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” Receive needs to be heard for us in the here and now as—BE or become receptive for you cannot control when, where or how God’s Holy Spirit will be speaking to you, through you or using you to bear fruit you never knew you had!

The one statement Evangelical Rob Bell made is simple enough but profoundly true: “everything IS spiritual...”  He probably has been cast aside like many others such as Ms. Paltrow who we talked about earlier as being ridiculous and naïve.  No one ever said living into the lifestyle of GRACE truly and truthfully would ever be easy...  We must persevere with great FAITH unashamed and washing away the persecuting scoffers, purveyors of “worldly culture, logic...”  To BE Faith filled is to live into being faithful to proclaim, WITNESS to how God’s Holy Spirit is ubiquitous in us and on this temporary earthly plain!
Day of Pentecost; Year A; June 8th, 2014; SOLA Lectionary                                  Nicole Collins
Psalm 25:1-15; Numbers 11:24-30; Acts 2:1-21; John 7:37-39 

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