Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 3rd, 2013 Commentary to Henri Nouwen's Daily Meditation

In case the above link to Henri Nouwen’s Daily Meditation doesn’t work:
Sunday November 3, 2013 
Becoming the Church of the Poor

When we claim our own poverty and connect our poverty with the poverty of our brothers and sisters, we become the Church of the poor, which is the Church of Jesus.  Solidarity is essential for the Church of the poor.  Both pain and joy must be shared.  As one body we will experience deeply one another's agonies as well as one another's ecstasies.  As Paul says:  "If one part is hurt, all the parts share its pain.  And if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy" (1 Corinthians 12:26).

Often we might prefer not to be part of the body because it makes us feel the pain of others so intensely.  Every time we love others deeply we feel their pain deeply.  However, joy is hidden in the pain.  When we share the pain we also will share the joy.

My Commentary:
Today’s Nouwen meditation has me thinking about the statistics I have heard about our current times.  I find it ironic how often it is the case that people who are spiritually hurting, spiritually poor decide to drop out of church completely especially when it seems like they need community the most.

There are a lot of circumstances to consider in regards to poverty.  There is external poverty and there is internal poverty to which the church is to address through the discipled love of Jesus.  Often the external is addressed with numerous outreach ministries and pastoral care but the internal poverty of a person is hard to detect.  Outside of being a training ground for discipleship—guiding others to “grow and go” with the Gospel; people need to be fed.  Being fed by the Word of God, the nourishment of the sacraments and the loving fellowship of a community centered in Christ.  The soul needs to be re-fueled with Christ and this isn’t a Sunday only experience but daily.

A few years back when Phil & I were at St. Philips; Pastor Eric would nearly have a Bible study every night of the week!  It was so wonderful I oddly enough found myself at times wishing for a night off!  BUT, I needed that daily dose of Jesus beyond my own prayer life within community.  It was like getting my 1000mg of vitamin Gospel~ I could honestly say I was not poor in any sense… even if the outer reality of my life was struggling in earthly “poor—ness.” 

The truth for us Christians to hear here is that we need one another.  We need to grow rich in the Word, be filled/refueled with the Eucharist and BE a family of GRACE together shining Christ’s light to all who come to the Body to become whole.

God Bless Your Sundays~ I know mine was!

Nicole Collins 

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