Sunday, January 13, 2019

'The Voice' Sermon for Sunday January 13th, 2019 by: Rev. Nicole A.M. Collins

This Sunday is the baptism of Our Lord. It is to be a reminder to all Christians about their daily journey. This is our Christian journey which not only truly is a dying and rising… dying from the old self and rising in the new, but it reminds us of our freedom. This is our freedom through the cross, a freedom that's has removed us from bondage. Yes, we know we are both saint and sinner, but we shouldn't take that phrase for granted. On that same breath we should never take the grace of God, his gift and his New life for granted.

The Christian journey is one that is baptized with fire. The chaff within us is to be burnt away and the New life is to be opened and freed. We take freedom for granted as well as we don't realize the evil that others do against humanity all for justifying sin, and more or less creating something diabolical. I had these profound thoughts etched into my weeping heart this past Friday when I came to spend a couple hours learning about the tragically beautiful ministry of a group of women here in Las Vegas. This ministry was to enact restorative justice on behalf of human trafficking victims. We take it for granted that Vegas, within the city lines, no longer allows prostitution but all around us throughout Nevada, it is still alive and well and very much legal. It was even more sad and troubling to know that Vegas is still the dubious capital of the tragedy of sex trafficked victims. These people range from children, women and people from foreign countries for just trying to find a better life.

We know that the work of Satan in the world is being a grand illusion artist of false promises. Building castles in the air of monetary gain alongside the illusion of finding love are empty promises made by some of these people to rope unsuspecting victims into their indenturement. The 6 hours that I was within this class hearing all of this, I was utterly amazed at how diabolical the efforts of some of these people were, to keep these people in bondage. It was the illusion of money, (though they would take the money of course), alongside the illusion of love, (they would pretend to love these people), that they coerced and indentured these victims through violence and the illusion of control.

That last element should be something that makes your heart quake when you think of what is Humanity’s problem? What do we keep getting wrong in what we do and say in this creation that we even take for granted? Do we not hear the voice of God calling us out and surrounding us giving us strength and helping us, saving us? For many of these people, they are not even allowed to look up. They are supposed to keep their eyes down to the ground. The evil people that capture them and force them into sex slavery tell them they are not allowed to look at them and they are to keep their eyes down. If they accidentally looked up and looked for chance at another trafficker, then that justifies a war between the two traffickers and the person is even more abused and tortured and branded into another slavery situation.

When we think about the freedom of the Gospel, because of the scandal of the cross… Do we have those moments that we see the nails going in? Do we see and feel Christ in that moment where the cross becomes a black hole sucking all of our evil into itself? There's this one scene in the Lord of the Rings’ ‘Return of the King’ movie, where when evil is finally defeated the evil eye, the landscape gives way and all who were a part of the evil army of this would be absorbed into the Earth. In the circle remained the small fellowship of people who never gave up hope. They knew the cost was great, but they couldn't let evil win.

This technically first Sunday after the Epiphany is to be a reminder of what Baptism means for the Christian. Some may simply just say it's an initiation right for people to join the church and then never come again with their children only maybe during Christmas or Easter…. But Baptism is so much more. Baptism is a daily process of reflection, confession, repentance and renewal. We are to reflect on our lives each and every day, not just on Sundays. We need to realize where we're going and who we’re listening to. That's a great Segway into one of the themes we have for this Sunday, “The Voice.” The voice of the Lord vs the voice of Satan. Another term for it is spiritual warfare. Is our armor thick enough? Have we confessed not only our transgressions, but our beliefs are we convicted by our faith? Is this faith strong enough to transform us to reconcile us with God in a very knowing and personal way? Lastly that sense of renewal is that freedom that only God can give and no one has the reins on.

St. Paul’s beautiful letter that we have this Sunday, this wonderful little snippet, he begins with getting them to reflect: “What then are we to say? Should we continue in sin in order that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin go on living in it?”  They say that slavery and prostitution are the world's oldest institutions. Mary Magdalene was reported to be a prostitute & disciple. Truth be told, a lot of medieval writers made her into a lady of the night because they didn't want a strong woman figure within our heavy-handed patriarchal scriptures…. Our prejudices, our judgements against one another indenture people in more ways than one. Herod didn't take his lesson too well. He couldn't deal with John the Baptist continually speaking being that voice of his conscience from that prison cell. Herod, like most of the modern world, “we want to have our cake and eat it too.” He was just doing a “little bit of adultery…” What does it matter? Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.” He probably didn't put on "for tomorrow we die,” at the end of these thoughts. He was probably happier to keep making his money, to keep his power in check and control elements of his life, he didn't like dealing with.

If you die to the self, the Old Nature, the old way of sin; you would never see control as the world teaches us as the illusion of control. If you begin to have your heart rise to that New Nature, nothing could hold you down, for the light of the Gospel lifts you. The light of the Gospel reminds you of God's abundant grace, that love that brings us a peace, no one can take away. If you destroyed sin, crucified your transgressions with that cross, remembering those waters… then New Life is rising! I wondered about that in thinking of that image of these tortured victims being forced to stare down at the ground and not allowed to lift their eyes. They were not allowed to look at the sunlight. They were only allowed to see the darkness in the Earth. The old Adam and the Old Eve abandoned Eden for a wisdom that was a grand illusion. They didn't realize the humble life of the grace and promise of God, and that paradise. Paradise uninterrupted by the empty promises of the evil one until now.

There are so many songs out there that I wonder if the original songwriters realized the great Christian messages that some of their songs have. Last year I reflected on this same song because I believe it's so much of that spiritual warfare and actual battle that we do. This is our battle wandering through the wilderness of the world as God's children of Grace and promise. I love that Simon and Garfunkel Song, ‘The Boxer,’ that was our Prelude this afternoon but it's so much about the persevering spirit. This man was indentured to his lifestyle for he was poor and struggling… what he had to use was his body. He had to use his fists to earn his meal. These are the basic elements they say of what Humanity requires in order to keep alive. He was keeping alive in terms of how the world wants us to keep alive. Money makes our world go around even though it's love is pure evil. Some could say he chose to be a boxer, others could say that he had no choice. These women and children and young boys did not have a choice. They were not given a choice and we're not allowed to free themselves, to be truly free.

It's not popular in America, to do restorative justice. It cost too much money. It's much easier to do punitive Justice and even that at many times, falls short. Our indifference allows our brothers and sisters fall between the cracks. Human trafficking victims fall into the cracks they never deserved to fall into. Once Christ Jesus our lord began his ministry, as we are hearing in today's Gospel, the voice of God and the Holy Spirit came down in the form of a dove and said to the world: “You are my son the Beloved, with you I am well pleased.” I heard once in a funny commentary or maybe it was a text study group, I was in a few years back, where people debated God's role in Jesus coming down to us as being “divine child abuse.” A funny comment, but then something we don't have an answer for… The only answer we have is love. The love of God is a power and a control that we do not fully understand, and we cannot take that away from anyone. The Beautiful song we sang as our opening hymn this afternoon is one that of course was another one I found in one of my Methodist hymnals’ collections. Got to love the Methodists they have a lot of good Jesus’ campfire tunes. The song is, ‘You Are Mine,’ and within the lyrics are moments of God comforting, providing and delivering his people.

The name of the place I visited for most of Friday afternoon was called the ‘Destiny House.’ What a wonderful name, the Destiny House. It was not a shelter in a typical sense for abused and battered women and children… It was a restorative, regenerative housing complex led by a group of very strong Christian women. The woman who founded this community was herself a victim of this horrible evil but found a way to escape. In some sense just like Saint Paul, she can talk about her indenturement of the past and bring hope and healing to these abused and battered women and children. That's truly restorative justice in action. That's truly donning the armor and fighting that good fight, even if it seems like Vegas is becoming a stronger Capital alongside many other networks of human trafficking and Evil taking root all across America.

The voice of the Lord is calling us to action no matter where we are on our journeys. Those healing and cleansing waters of our baptism should refresh your commitment to the Lord of life, and His reign of Grace. God speaks through the Prophet Isaiah to comfort God's people: “… because you are precious in my sight, and honored and I love you. I will bring you… I will gather you....” Trusting in the Lord is a very hard thing especially if you've been a victim of evil in the world. Everything becomes a cynical delusion of what really is the truth. How can you trust a God that would let something happen like this? How can you ever love your neighbor that would brand a tattoo on you force you to sell your body for money to make their world go around? There are no sure-fire answers or solutions to the problem of evil in the world it exists Satan is alive and well and knows very good ways of using people.

When you begin to love a life, curved inward, how can you see beyond the self to realize the suffering in the world that you could help to bring to an end? So, you were baptized at Saint Edward's Catholic Church in November of 1968 in Berwyn, Illinois and don't remember a damn thing about it… Has it left an impact on you now as a disciple of Christ? Well I know it has speaking for myself. I certainly don't remember being baptized at all, though my dad claims he remembers being born.  My mother and I love having a giggle over that… “oh yeah sure you remember that...” I do remember being re-born, however. I love sharing that story probably too much. If it wasn't for Cursillo and other venues of sharing God's Word living in me, I probably wouldn't have shared it as much as I do. We are called to be witnesses though, we are called to come and follow. We are called to pick up that's cross and follow Him, who loved us beyond measure.

Being a disciple of Jesus can be very stressful especially when it seems that the world is turning not necessarily for the better… We must be like John though and be that voice that doesn't stop speaking. We need to realize who saved us and live fully into that saving grace. Living into that saving grace is the journey of the New Nature. It is that New Nature reaped. It is that Resurrection into a New life restored to God's ideal. We are to be the attitude of Christ and burn away that chaff in our hearts. Just like that battered and bruised boxer, we must put those gloves back on even if we feel weary and do the work God requires our hearts to live for the sake of His truth.

“So, my brothers and sisters, you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus our lord.” Be blessed to be a blessing to others. Believe, Receive, Incorporate and Share of God's Word throughout your entire being and into the world, the dark wilderness around you. May the holy Waters of your baptism convict you, and uphold you with God's truth and purpose for us all.

Let us Pray
Loving and Gracious Lord Jesus,
We thank you for the power of Your cross
That the evil one has no control over.
Help us to help our neighbors, love our neighbors
And save them from being bound to the world through Satan's lies
We thank you Lord for Your light
That cauterizes our hearts with Your grace and New Life.
Your mercy is great, and may we always love you.

The Baptism of Our Lord; January 13th, 2019; Year C; SOLA Lectionary
Sermon by: Rev. Nicole A.M. Collins
Psalm 29; Isaiah 43:1-7; Romans 6:1-11; Luke 3:15-22

The link below is for the entire Baptism of Our Lord Sunday at the Grace Hub 12:30PM:
will post soon!

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