Sunday, April 22, 2018

Under Construction; Sermon for April 22nd, 2018 by: Rev. Nicole A.M. Collins, OSST

It's not too often that we use outside sheet music, but for this particular Sunday, the wording of this particular song is very important. We learned as the first Creed of the early church, Jesus is Lord. The Lord Jesus is truly Our Shepherd, our great guide. He is the Cornerstone that we continue to reject, and this is another side of the diamond of Christ who is to be at the center of our lives and our very hearts.

Those very three words— Jesus is Lord, met with turmoil because of the politics of the time. Israel was definitely an occupied land. Rome believed themselves to be in the hierarchy of Gods. The emperor was considered to be God. That is why he was on the Romans’ coins that is why, as such address he would be referred to in a “divine way.” For an occupied country to DARE Proclaim Jesus is Lord… St Paul did in several letters as well as the apostles activity in and throughout the Book of Acts got them into some deep persecution.

Our next mini-series installment, courtroom-drama scene today in the Book of Acts, is that Peter and John were arrested they were arrested because they started preaching that Jesus was resurrected from the dead. The Sadducees were more or less the politicians of the Jewish Church. They wanted to keep the peace, no matter what the cost, even if it went against the truth and became an act of indifference and grave sin itself. Their willful act, alongside the Pharisees, made them to be the “wolves and the false Shepherds,” that Jesus talks about in his wonderful parable or metaphor, from the Gospel of John.

Just before this little tiny snippet from the Gospel, is Jesus using yet another story in saying how he is the Gate keeper. Throughout the Gospel of John, we have many moments of Jesus trying to indirectly pry at the conscience of the scribes and Pharisees with not too much success. Perhaps the greatest story ever of a changing heart, which is not talked about today, is with the Pharisee Nicodemus. There was a man who finally had his heart opened and laid aside, laid down his fear, even at the risk of being persecuted himself to support, Jesus. He was still kind of a chicken heart about it and kept it as a “quiet support…” but at least, in some senses, he was beginning to see the light.

In another sense, you could say that he was a disciple under construction. It is fair to say however, that we are all works under construction, works-in-progress. Though the ways of the world, which John and his letter is cautioning against today, would like us to put the ego and the self, first, above everything, and most certainly above God's will. Love is something that tears down all barriers and becomes those indestructible bricks towards building the kingdom of God. Those bricks of love began through realizing God's grace and realizing living into the resurrected life.

Some Reformed traditions have tried to understand God's Grace in separate little categories. As far as I'm concerned Grace is Grace. It is that extra bold Hollywood size signed reality of the heart inscribed upon us by God's Word. The one Reformed category of Grace, that a lot of these texts had me thinking about today, is what some call “prevenient Grace.” This is more or less, a perspective that God's divine Grace precedes and leads us to make the right decisions.  As I've said I believe grace alone and God's word alone, are what help us to find our feet on God's true path for us.

Finding the true path for us being thoughtful sheep to our great Shepherd is achieved through love. Love is the end of the law. Love is the greatest element of the Gospel of Grace, Jesus reveals to us. It is a kind of power that is not of this world— it is of the kingdom of God, we have yet to understand. The words of both Jesus and the apostles today, are hoping for us to begin construction. Even before the famous Sunday of Pentecost to come, the beginning of the church, is needing to start laying down its bricks and mortar. And this is not the bricks-and-mortar that we are thinking of, but they are spiritual bricks of building the church within our hearts for the Holy Spirit to work within.

This construction however needs to tear down the barriers of greed and indifference, that continually re-form new obstacles in our lives to be swayed by false Shepherds and wolves. Just the other day or so, I have been praying for some friends to find where God is leading them to call their new home Church. Yes, I did try Guerilla evangelism and say please come to my church, you'll have fun! :-)  All humor aside, I think it is a very sad and difficult thing for the modern Christian so entrenched by the secular world etcetera, to have to be involved in the task of "church shopping." From what I was hearing from their hearts, they seem to be lost in the sea of choices.  Sometimes what may seem to be the answer, or their final place turns out to be a disappointment on one level or another. It's sad to be at that place.

As some of you know I do visit other churches on Saturdays to see what they're doing and network with other pastors and colleagues. There are things to be learned with what has become now the “institutionalized church.” What we have been seeing these past few Sundays into the Easter season, is not only the pure beginnings of the true ideal Church, but we are seeing the beginnings of the truth and cost of what discipleship truly is. Here's the cold stone reality of where we are now—
the church has been broken for quite some time. In a dark way, you can say, it is a structure that has lots of duct tape around it, little bits of plaster of Paris smattered in holes, lots of glue and way too many nails to cover up what we've not been able to be faithfully accountable in fixing, for the sake of the Gospel.

This “Shack or deteriorating building,” could also be spiritual though as well. We hear it from yet another of Peter’s very bold speeches, point blank to the Sadducees scribes and Pharisees in the temple. He's on trial folks. Both are, he and John are in a heap load of trouble! Outside of them daring to preach Jesus is Lord, the Messiah, and that He resurrected from the dead, they are going about and even healing people in the Name of Jesus, how dare they! Peter called them to the carpet for it though, he says: “… this Jesus is the stone that you rejected! You so-called builders… and now He has become the Cornerstone. Jesus is the Cornerstone of Grace and The Sovereign of Love in the world. Abiding in God's Grace is becoming those builders. Becoming truthful builders of love in the world, for a purpose truly beyond the self, and in light of others.

Becoming those Builders of love, truth and action, beyond the self, is living the cross-shaped life of a disciple. What does that mean? God is always challenging us to stretch beyond our worldly capacity. The world caters to our greed, to be willful and the world caters to the easy choice of becoming indifferent. Indifference, I think is really a truly horrible sin or structural sin, as I have mentioned. The self is so concerned with its wants, needs and agendas… it would never consider laying down its life for someone else, yet alone for a greater purpose. There's all kinds of ways that we could be those wandering sheep though, and follow the wrong voices.

It's incredible and amazing how much of a traveling wasteland or junkyard, the internet can be with different articles on things, commentaries and what not. Sometimes you feel like you're looking at a big barge of items that shouldn't be recycled or even thought about. Some things are rather humorous and ridiculous, and come out of our fears and ignorance. For instance, the one funny thing I saw this week was that the apocalypse is supposed to happen tomorrow right before I take off for Chicago to help some friends and visit my family. I hope you're all prepared~ all you “beam me up Jesus people” out there LOL. This probably makes only the 15th announcement for this year of some kind of Apocalypse date… I guess some people just have too much time on their hands. This happens when you're hearing what you want to hear from God's Word as well as what's going on in the world. And it's easy to get those channels mixed up.

Another item I saw, that seems like a good Sci-Fi story, that maybe the X-Files or Star Trek, or something like that should have taken on and done… though there are shows out there now, that are talking about time travel. This was a very long article that had a serious tone to it from a man who claims he's traveled to the year 2700 something, and then to another year in 6700 something... He basically highlights all our great fears. We are going to annihilate each other with nuclear war. We are going to become socialists under martial law and that there will be no real sense of peace. What a horrible vision! Maybe he just time traveled to hell.. we hope anyway. 

This one show that they have on now called ‘Timeless,’ toys with the notion-- that we can change the outlook of the future. It's fascinating. It's fascinating as a science fiction thing of course, as well as it is fascinating to look at, as a Christian. If we do not have enough faith in God, yet alone ourselves… we fall prey to seeing or believing in these things these writings from people or observations, that we are doomed, and we have no hope. The reality and power of the Gospel preaches and teaches us otherwise. If we tap into and reap that New Nature, that has been planted by the Grace of Christ and showered upon with his steadfast Sovereign Love, we can be a people to change the tide of things. We may be only a people that change our little realm of the eastside of Las Vegas or we could continue to strive for an even greater goal, for an even greater challenge to help others to change the world to realize the kingdom of God, not in the distant future but as a reality— Here and Now.

Realizing the sovereignty of Christ's reign from the Resurrection onward, is a great task for us. We are those works-in-progress though. We are in training to be builders ourselves. When we are meeting in our team meetings or on council, we are here helping to build those spiritual bricks. I know as well, even with my hopping into your story somewhere around chapter 52 last year, that you have been a people seeking to have a real sense of home again with the actual bricks and mortar. Let me be the first to say, that your faith has made fantastic efforts. Every time I pass by our new church location, I start to see in my mind's eye all the Ministries that we can develop. I start to see all the children and families coming through our doors, joining people together in love through weddings, doing Bible studies, singing in choirs again... I could sit in my car for more than a half-hour and just keep imagining and wondering all the things we can build together, fairly soon.

It's taken a lot of faith to come to this point. I love the notion that you, as well, will be incorporating items from the old church building. Just like what they say for weddings, something old, something new, something borrowed and something true. We are marrying ourselves to the new leg of the journey of the Gospel, as the bride of Christ, His church. For just as John says in his first letter this morning: “God is greater than our hearts and He knows everything. We have boldness before God because we obey His Commandments and do His will. We love one another just as He commanded, and we abide by His spirit that leads us, as the great Shepherd.”

The Prelude and postlude this morning is probably one of my most favorite songs about God's grace. Yes, just as much or even more than Amazing Grace. It is ‘All Good Gifts,’ from the movie Godspell. I love that the singer is beyond grateful. I love that he is singing his praises to God, and realizing the true reality of of God's Grace and Love in his life, and in all of creation. When that man was talking about going into the year 6700 and saying that Florida would be gone, and all these other places have disappeared, and that the Earth was ruined… it just was such a horrible contrast to what we have around us now. We probably take for granted having nearly every day with blue skies here, and the beautiful way the mountains edge in our city here. We take for granted so much of the world that is around us, because it's just there.

We can look at the world as, “we're just here,” and as I had said last week, just think we're reading 2000 year old beautiful poetry… or we can wake up to that metanoia, that change of heart and mind, to see God's truth shining straight through all of the false Shepherds and wolves and obstacles, we have in the world to turn us away from God.  In my kitchen which took some time to spiritually decide to do, I had taken out pictures from a picture frame that was my from my graduation from the school of the Art Institute. the tape was becoming yellowed and the pictures were coming loose, and I certainly don't look like I did when I was 22, and it just felt like I needed to put something there that was a part of my New world. My best friend Jurek, gave me a poster of the great Shepherd. Of all strangeness, it fits the frame perfectly and it is one of the early Byzantine icon paintings of the Great Shepherd... I even though, had to reset the picture wire in the back to have it hang vertically then from what it has been hanging as for several years now. So, it just sounds like it's just a “day in the life” type moment... but I think it was a moment of God’s divine revelation for moving forward and moving onto that New-Natured path. 

Even becoming aware of the smallest moments in your everyday world are part of God leading us through His Love and Grace, down a great and glorious path towards the Kingdom of God. Cross bearing activity is doing the “Do’s” of the Gospel. That is living into a cross shaped life as a disciple of Jesus. Living into the world is easy, but it's rewards are just a temporal delusion to true happiness and where God really needs us to be.  Life is our chance of learning how to love, and life without love is death. The world without the Gospel is a world full of wolves.

You've got to be a person to take risks. Of all people, who would first seem like a big doofus and a chicken heart, Peter steps up to the plate and becomes this fearless leader for the early church through the book of Acts. There's many delightful stories and realities in this wonderful writing, from the Gospel writer Luke. Probably one of my favorites is the kosher sheet dream that Peter has, where this sheet with all unclean animals floats down and he has to question and ask God what's this all about? Just another day in the life moment, for one of the avid disciples of Jesus.  

Hearing that again-- you've got to be a person to take risks. You've got to be able to “walk that talk.” You need to love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action. Church planting and even re-planting is risky business. The world would love to make us pessimists about it.  You've got to be a stronger person. How you get there is by developing that relationship with the great Shepherd, Jesus. Remember, He is that diamond in the center of your lives, center of your heart. His light is shining through those many facets of things He needs you to learn and grow from. Are you listening, or are you rejecting His Cornerstone in the Church of your heart?

We can see time and space as just cause and effect, and just something that we sit back and be spectators to, or we can shape this very time and space for the will of God, through the love of God, and for the love of God and neighbor. It's all in your hands. Can you sacrifice something from yourself for a greater cause for a Greater Joy that would white out anything you've ever experienced before? This is believing the kingdom of God as here and now. It is being aware of God's Sovereign Grace and His Sovereign Love, even to his wayward children of Grace and promise. Remember we are a child of promise— let's keep it.

Let us pray
Loving and Gracious Lord Jesus,
May we truly realize how Great and Gracious You are as our Shepherd in this world.
Help us to grow beyond ourselves, to always know that we are works in progress, under construction.
Help us to be builders of Love on the foundation of Your amazing Grace.
Help us to realize all good gifts around us, help us be good gifts of love, grace, peace and mercy to our neighbor.
Help us to tear down indifference, greed and hate to reap and build that New Nature world.

April 22nd, 2018; Fourth Sunday of Easter; Year B; SOLA Lectionary
Sermon by: Reverend Nicole A.M. Collins, OSST
Psalm 23; Acts 4:1-12; 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18


The link below is to this sermon's delivery at First Congregational Church at 9:30am

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