Sunday, June 4, 2017

'A Spirited Body;' Sermon for Sunday June 4th, 2017 by: Rev. Nicole A.M. Collins

A Spirited Body
I think sometimes we take worship for granted, or don’t spend enough time wondering about how the Holy Spirit works through it…  The Hymn of the Day which we just sung, ‘Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness;’ is a very special spiritual tune for me.  It was both the song I heard to spark my conversion experience, as well as, I used it for my ordination song.  The wonderful prelude we heard this morning is a Cursillo favorite of mine.  In fact, less than a month after my conversion, coming back to Christ, called to serve or better said, begin the journey; that song, ‘Pass It On,’ accented for me what the Holy Spirit was messaging me to hear.  This was a message that I couldn’t close myself off from graciously receiving.  The spirit said through both of those songs—I have a new plan for you.  I would like to add to that, Thanks be to God, Alleluia and Amen!

The story of Pentecost is an amazing one to wrap your mind around.  The violent rush of the wind of the Spirit ascending as flames upon the heads of those disciples… amazing and something perhaps we can’t understand ever truly touching us.  This is most definitely, not the truth, however.  It may not be flames, but the soft voices of a processing choir fading off, and tears rolling inexplicably down your face as an affirmation Baptismally of God’s message to your heart’s ears, alone!  God was indeed speaking to me, that early August Sunday morning back in 2003. Every time I have shared this witness of the Holy Spirit, there has been nothing I could completely confirm as that ultimate spark of God’s call to change my whole life… it just happened, then, and here I am now. Of all things as well, proving that God both has a sense of humor and timing, it was a hymn written by a UCC minister being played in a little Swedish Lutheran church on the northside of Chicago.

The tune we heard as this morning’s prelude I had to fish out of a Methodist hymnal.  So interesting how the Holy Spirit shapes what you are called to proclaim— which is a huge aspect, of not only discipleship, which is the journey of the Christian, but all the texts this morning talk about unconditional welcome and the autonomy and development of the Holy Spirit’s work in each and every one of our lives—again, I say, Thanks be to God!  Unconditional welcome and autonomy were some of the themes from this past weekend’s Association conference.  There was also the wonderful blessing of being a part of someone’s ordination.  I have been very blessed to have been in two other ordinations, outside of my own, where I was called forward with other clergy to lay hands upon the soon-to-be ordained pastor.

The laying on of hands is a very Biblical rite. This is not only an affirmation of the Spirit of the Body but it generates that same kind of fire that those disciples in today’s lessons felt.  This fire is from, and in, the heart for the Gospel!  We are called to proclaim it throughout our lives in some form or another. Welcome is a very important theme, not just connected to our polity but truly Biblically through the love, peace and mercy only Christ can reveal through the Spirit’s work… It can happen at any time or better understood as in God’s time—Kairos.  Kairos is a wonderful comforting understanding of God’s infinite, boundless plans and purposes for our lives.  Some of our Christian brothers and sisters understand this as aspects of grace or prevenient Grace.  The Lutheran in me will always see Grace as GRACE, period or as my over-used statement goes: Grace is that all-caps, extra-bold, Hollywood-sized Sign reality written upon the heart!

For this particular ordinand, her journey began with those unpopular themes from last week being that she had to suffer ridicule, reject and persecution to get where she is now.  For others, it could mean embarking into a completely different life at the beginning of their human journey as an artist to only have God “start-messin’” with it by bringing poetry into their art and eventually just outright calling them in a little Swedish Lutheran church:  “Ok, you’ve got to start to listen to me now… a kinder and gentler world can exist, if you truly come and follow me.”  Those tears were like the living waters in the first Gospel text I shared: “Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.”  Let me tell you, they certainly did flow! The peace Christ released upon the disciples, some 13 chapters later, in the Gospel of John, were those voices singing of God’s abundant welcoming love and invitation in that processional hymn, Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness.

Passing it onward, the Gospel, that is, IS all about the Spirit.  It is the Holy Spirit working as that New Nature within your first church, the heart, as well as, it is where the Holy Spirit takes you.  In efforts to build our Body here, it is my task to guide your spiritual formation, your faith’s formation.  Like Saint Paul working tirelessly to enliven and enlighten his Corinthians, I am here to preach, teach and help shape your faith to realize that you indeed have the capacity to BE and DO all things through Christ who indeed strengthens us all!

Pentecost isn’t just supposed to be the “birthday party” of the church but the celebration of the anointing, blessing, commissioning of our Spirited bodies to take a fantastic leap of faith into the future with the Gospel of Grace in our hearts and spread through our voices, hands and feet as the Body of Christ!  Here is that very Biblical unconditional welcome: “12For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 13For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.”

These words came out of the lips of a former Pharisee, a man who sat back in the early part of the Book of Acts, while the angered crowds stoned Stephen.  What on earth happened to him?  He had a conversion experience.  We all remember the story, God knocked him plain off his horse and asked him why he was persecuting him…  The scales God placed upon Paul’s eyes were like those tears shed, that balm upon the heart to truly open his spiritual eyes to the truth, of what he was really called to do and become!  The only thing I heard at that conference that I couldn’t agree with was that one of the presenters said that conversion is a mistaken call into ministry—well I’m here to greatly correct that.  My conversion experience is what changed my whole life for the better, period!

Yes, witnessing again, that’s the problem with preaching for Pentecost, blame God!  The Gathering North would make every 5th Sunday of the month, a witness Sunday.  Let me tell, it was amazing to see and hear how God was working through these peoples’ lives!  Here was something very Biblical to practice as a church in fellowship.  We would hear the wonderful witness from one of our congregants and then we would talk about it after worship during fellowship.  Those services were wonderful!  Speaking of witness, I have been blessed to read through the amazing photo album, history collections by our own Grace Schmeidel, and they are incredible.  Here is the autonomous witness of what this church family means to her and her family.  It is not only a fabulous example of stewardship and the sharing of gifts…. She truly shared the spirit of Christ in her thoughtful gift of these pictures, texts and related.  All of which are diligently being prepared for us to share with the world on our web pages.

Who are we?  First and foremost, we are disciples of Jesus.  Secondly, we are His children of Grace and Promise carrying out His call to each and every one of us to share His Gospel together here and throughout the world.  You may see the world as just the east side of Vegas… but God is always calling us to think beyond not only ourselves, but the little universes we’ve all created and are all too often, way too comfortable in! One of the ministers at the Association meeting made the most wonderful quip not printed in the bulletin of course, he said, comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.  This is one of those very old layers all preachers need to incorporate into their delivery to get the truth of the Gospel out there.  It was just very humorously spirited to hear him saying this at just the right time, during the ordination service.

At just the very right time, God’s time, those organ pipes dropped out and the voices of the choir sounded like soft bells...  At just the very right time, the cursillistas were processed outside of the main dining hall into a darkened, long candle-lit hallway, where the loving sight and voices of friends and family sang, ‘Pass it On,’ (our prelude music). This is while, we were all lead, into a lovely little sanctuary in the Villa Desiderata retreat center on Pistakee Bay in McHenry, Illinois, the early October of 2003.  Again, there were no flames or wind swirling through the room, but the Holy Spirit was most definitely there, profoundly there.  Can you feel that Spirit, even a little bit from what was shared?  If you even felt a mustard seed’s worth… that’s great!  Welcome to the true meaning of Pentecost!

Let us Pray,
Gracious God,
It only takes a spark to get that spiritual fire going…
It only takes our heart some shaping from Your Holy Spirit
To be glowing with the fire of the Gospel for all to witness!
May these next 24 Sundays in the Season of Pentecost
Teach us and inspire us to unconditionally share, live the Gospel
Through our unique lives’ stories.
In Your most precious Name, we pray—

June 4th, 2017; Day of Pentecost; Year A
Sermon by: Reverend Nicole A.M. Collins
Psalm 25; 1 Corinthians 12:3-13; Acts 2:1-21 & John 7:37-39; 20:19-23

The link below is to this sermon's delivery at First Congregational Church, 9:30AM

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