Thursday, November 24, 2016

'A Note of Thanksgiving;' November 24th, 2016 by: Rev. Nicole A.M. Collins

The Prophet Isaiah gives us somethings to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day, he says:
“All those who rely upon the God of their creation—in times of joy or sorrow, sunshine or darkness, calm or conflict—will discover that His Grace is sufficient; and He will sustain them…” (excerpt from Isaiah 31, from ‘Prophets Now!’).

Thanksgiving is that time of year where it is a spiritual moment of rest for many of us.  It is as if the week freezes for just a moment in time to try to encourage us to take the time out: not only reconnect with family and friends but to break away from the “blues” of those everyday things we continually lift up to God in prayer for healing. These many things range from:
Why do these things happen? Why am I in this, “here and now” and not where I’d really like to be yet? Why am I not “happy?” All these questions wrapped up into a ball represent what it means to be truly human.

Whether we realize it or are grateful for it, often enough; God’s Grace is both sufficient and does truly sustain us! God’s Grace is both sufficient and does sustain us even when we have our head in the clouds of our daily struggles. Even when for some of us, we are perhaps spending our Thanksgiving days alone.  Even when the world is more concerned about eating and shopping— God’s Grace is both sufficient and does sustain us.  Even when loved ones attached to precious memories of Thanksgivings past have been gone and joined to Jesus, for some several years now…  We must continue to be strong and feel deeply in our hearts: God’s Grace is both sufficient and does sustain us!

Thanksgiving day for the disciple of Jesus, should be that great agape meal before the “advent,” great expectation of a New journey ahead. A grand feast where the prize isn’t how many spoonfuls of stuffing can you down, or goblets of egg nog you can gargle while trying to ‘sing-along with Mitch Miller…’  The prize is knowing how far you have come and it is a POSITIVE and joyful realization because the true meaning of Grace begins to shine from your heart and fill those cracks, crevices of doubt, sadness, fear and anxiety in your soul!

The picture I have included in this reflection is from either 1980 or 1979.  Quite a long time ago with many of the members of this picture either past on to be with Jesus or are no longer willing to be in fellowship or contact.  One could choose to grieve those days past… or one could truly choose to hear Isaiah’s note as song for Thanksgiving: “God’s Grace is both sufficient and does sustain us” (!) And I would add the hallelujah and the amen to that. The Living Word of God is just that, it brings us life and instructs us truly in all that we are to do and say to truthfully realize that joyful feast before us.

So with this said, no matter where you are, no matter who you are—whose you are should shine joy over sorrow, peace over conflict and pain, to satisfy even the hungriest of hearts needing to be filled.

Let us pray:
With this simple day of rest
May it instruct our many days ahead
To be grateful for everything
Both good and bad as teachable moments
Movements of Your Grace in our lives
O most Gracious and Loving Lord
May we join at that table today
With love in our hearts and all else out of mind and body
For this is the Day that You have made
Let us rejoice and BE truly glad for it!

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