Saturday, December 19, 2015

"Soulful Witness;" Sermon for December 20th, 2015 by Reverend Nicole A.M. Collins

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine or think about that the Gospel writer St. Luke was actually a travelling co-church planter with St. Paul…  He in some ways has become a legend with several speculations about what he did in historical times.  Some accounts say that he was a Physician others say that he was the artist responsible for inspiring the famous painting of Jesus in St. Catherine of Sienna’s monastery called the “Mount Sinai Jesus.”

How God’s Word speaks to us, works through us is amazing but we don’t take enough time to think about that…  That Sinai painting is the one painting of Jesus that for me truly and spiritually represents Jesus.  It was the one image that I always have to have hung by my bedside to have watching over me and that is the first thing I see that makes my soul rejoice and declare: “See, God, I have come to DO Your will!”  That movie about the little boy meeting Jesus and describing the painting another little girl did is in the same category.  Though the Jesus in that film looks like the “Barry Manilow” Jesus in my opinion but this is what those two children were inspired to see.

Speaking of inspiration, I don’t know about you but I think one of the first questions I’m going to ask Jesus when I get to heaven is: “Ok, what really happened in the Book of Acts?”  And Jesus will point to a cloud and say: “Sit back and relax, it’s a long story…”  St. Luke is an amazing testament to how he painted the story of Jesus coming into our world.  He technically had no eye-witness account at all to what actually had happened BUT the Holy Spirit gave his soul a witness to proclaim, and let me tell you, what a witness!  He very brilliantly captured, brought together St. Peter’s eyewitness and his own heart’s conviction of Jesus together to truly tell the story of Jesus to inspire disciples everywhere in the wilderness of the Gentile world!

Mary the Mother of Our Lord or as the Orthodox would say the Theotokos, was like Luke an ordinary person that God chose indiscriminately to “DO His Will.” Elizabeth was just her cousin another average person who would bore Christ’s coming into the world’s herald: John the Baptist.  A voice of defiance, BOLD witness who heard God’s voice to his heart that he needed to get people to prepare the Way of the Lord!

Both women were witnesses to God’s extraordinary work in our lives.  The baby in Elizabeth’s womb leaped with joy.  Joy is another Word that in just hearing it on one level we think of desire and of pleasure…  But that is our human nature to do so.  Joy in the context of speaking about God literally means GRACE.  The Biblical Greek basically has both words sharing the same understanding.  Isn’t that amazing?  And truly I am sharing all of this information not to be an “intellectual Pez dispenser of Biblical knowledge;” I share it in order to open the ears of Your soul to deeply discern the meaning of that revelation.

Verses 46 & 47 are amazing when you think about it…  The soul is the seat of life granted, created by God to us for we are His children of Grace and promise!  Promise for the Lord knows we have a hard time listening to Him; but He still is working on us to lay down the Old Nature that naturally rules us to beautifully spiritually be shaped to see sacrifice and offering in a completely profound mind blowing way!

How do we understand sacrifice and offering today?  I think its original, Godly purpose has been destroyed by our justifying sin.  We have intellectually usurped the Gospel to answer and justify our political, social and economic “justice” over the freely responsible servanthood the Gospel calls for us to BE and willingly DO.  We have allowed this to not only deny the peace of God to rule in our hearts and actions (Shalom) but we have willfully and defiantly responded with gracelessness.

Just take in a few days of the news… protests, demanded firings, educational strikes, raising taxes, political circus performances and what not during the most important time of year for us all… God coming into our world!  The story, His continuing work in our ever-growing IN-gratitude for all that was GIVEN freely to us!  How awful and frankly disturbing… but here is where we are 2,000 something years later after the profound entry of Christ Jesus into our lives.

And it is hard to find “Joy” yet alone Grace in the world right now…  ISIS’ rising and latest activities prove how the ruler of the world is moving through his minions.  Satan’s rise is something we’ve been turning an indifferent eye to for it is the season to shop and be “politically-correct” about the “holidays” lest we offend one another. It’s NOT about us, but that’s where its at.
It’s hard to find peace when there is too much of the “worldly ways” not only acting as stumbling blocks but robbing our hearts to KNOW God’s peace.  There has been no peace, not much anyway and when you look at those boxes holding your ornaments, a tree parts just sitting there collecting dust in your living room.  There is a deep sadness in wondering about it all and expecting… but not as God is hoping for you to see or do. 

It’s been nearly four years since my husband & I put up our Christmas tree.  The last time was right after we lost our house and moved up to Mundelein for me to finish seminary at Trinity Evangelical Divinity school.  Quite a contrast though in circumstances—out of tragedy, we willingly chose to see Christ’s love, calming peace and Grace restore us—He shined upon both of our hearts a new beginning!

This year is no different… out of political motivations and evil indifference I was robbed of my first solo church call as well as I lost the position due to this call at Great Lakes as the CREDO Chaplain.  My heart is still broken on some levels especially if I allow myself to dwell on the evil I “eye-witnessed” and spiritually felt trying to drag me down…. BUT we were blessed by friends to find a new apartment here in Wheeling, to painfully and slowly move into a New Beginning. 

It is a wilderness, much like St. Luke and St. Paul’s wilderness journey into planting churches, building disciples and whatnot but it is through the sacrifice and offering of Christ that renews and restores us to carry on! God is with us—He is that great and glorious star—the main event in our center/ core of being the soul.  And if I can’t carry on; I would be letting the world rule my soul and spiritually wither and die!

I recently have been spiritually immersed in my tasks as a Franciscan postulant; the most recent being to study and spiritually ponder upon a Nativity scene… Christmases from long ago bring both tears of joy and sadness in remembering those days of innocence and remembering my grandparents’ wonderful Christmas tree and a giant under the tree Nativity set.  In the frenzy of moving I recently came across some wonderful close up pictures of it and then packed them up… I can’t find the box right now… lol, C’est La Vie!  BUT my heart has the image and the moment embedded upon me.

That white Christmas tree with the blue and gold ornaments and lights and this huge bulky wooden set surrounded by handmade painted ceramic sculptures of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the animals and yes the Wise men.  My family was marginally Roman Catholic at best and didn’t know about or practiced that the Wise men should be put out on the Day of Epiphany…  But hey, just now Biblical and historical scholars debated and decided that there were probably a dozen or more of “wise men” from a variety of areas from the East.

That Nativity set was sadly lost several years ago when my grandparents’ old house’s basement flooded with a collapsed sewer problem…  Most of the basement was destroyed by the flood in the late 70’s, their tree, their 1960’s “Rob and Laura Petrie style” furniture and many memories of dancing and running around in the basement to Ramsey Lewis’ ‘Sound of Christmas’ album from 1961.

That Nativity set brought joy and hope to then an innocent child who had no clue what kind of promise their lives would be striving to live for yet alone the peace of Christ Jesus who does indeed surpass all understanding! But who are we living for if we can’t live for God, sacrifice for Him? He, who gave us LIFE and soul to paint His Gospel imperative into the future for the whole world to be RESTORED and renewed for a Godly righteousness not a worldly one!

Let us Pray—
Gracious Lord,
May we come to Know the peace You bring
And truly rejoice in the Grace You have freely given us
You have set us free from sin, death and the power of evil
Help our hearts to be shaped by and through the light shining from Your face, Your peace and Grace
May our lives be and become a humble offering to You sacrificing the will of the world out of love for You and our neighbor.

Below is a link to my favorite Christmas song from my childhood:

December 20th, 2015; 4th Sunday of Advent; Year C; SOLA Lectionary
Sermon By Reverend Nicole A.M. Collins, pos FODM
Psalm 80:1-7; Micah 5:2-5; Hebrews 10:5-10 & Luke 1:39-56

The picture above is from 2011's Christmas.

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