Saturday, October 10, 2015

"Transformative Trust;" Sermon for October 11th, 2015 by Rev. Nicole A.M. Collins

Just this past weekend there was terrible flooding in South Carolina and one of the most powerful images and testimony to come out of that awful situation, was the story of Grandmother and her grandson clinging for dear life to a large Cross recently uprooted in front of a small church. It’s interesting to note about all the media pictures of this cross that essentially they are cropped to hide the edges and distinctions which would identify it as a cross…  So much like our age to hide away the reality of the cross lest it offend the PC police…

The grateful but shaken grandmother proclaims boldly to reporters: “I was literally, after I got out of the car, holding onto the cross. I was clinging to the cross..."  She continues to say: "Jesus is my savior, this story is not about me; this is about what He did to save me." Wow—talk about letting go & letting God! What a powerful and amazing witness, not only about her faith but how in essence she had to trust completely and surrender to the situation that indeed she would be saved in more ways than one. 

Trust and surrender are those very frightening steps we all must take in order to live into the Gospel imperative. A shorter and even more precise word for incorporating trust and surrender is CHANGE. Change let’s face it, is very difficult for us, we don’t like it and we nearly try anything and everything to avoid it! Living with no real accountability and surface integrity doesn’t go too far… For if we refuse to change or grow, we can only truthfully wither and die both spiritually and literally… We are seeing and experiencing a world currently turning away from God and living darkly into the false promises of an Old Nature treasure’ trove.

The elderly woman in my illustration had to literally save herself by grabbing, clinging to the cross of Christ… In regards to our spiritual formation journeys, when we spiritually need to face or are forced to face inevitable consequences or needed transitions in our lives—do we run and cling to that cross? Or are we more often tempted and lured into quick and empty illusions of worldly answers? Speaking for myself the “mantra” of faith from Philippians chapter four of “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” is essentially what got me through seminary (and candidacy…) and is still motivating me to transform, spiritually grow for the better of my neighbor and the love of God.

In a fairly short time, forty seven years rooted in one place will drastically physically and spiritually change… for my husband and I will be making the move out west! I have never lived anywhere outside of Illinois and most of my life has been lived either in Chicago proper or just outside it. Phil however has lived in seven states, one territory and two foreign countries…  Now both his sister & I will share something in common since she lived some 50 plus years in California before moving to the hilly plains of Jefferson City Missouri. She’s still not used to rain or snow!

Speaking of comfort zones, it’s interesting to think about the story of Amos coming outside of his in southern Judah in some sense, in order to preach as an outsider to the north about the inner change God would like us to make in regards to being accountable and creating integrity. What is integrity?  What builds it as a person of faith? According to various sources it is about honesty or includes honesty.  It is also defined and is in solidarity to: sincerity, truth and virtue. All of these are New Nature goals that take a life time’s spiritual formation to grow.  Doing is a lot more spiritually motivating than trying.  It is that fear factor that always somehow sees us fall short.  Amos’ initiative was remarkable and something to be envied! If we are truthfully going strive to champion the Gospel imperative to the world; we need this kind of perseverance and persistance!

There is definitely similarities in some senses with how Jesus’ Divine & radical message to this young rich man sounded way outside and beyond the comfort zone of what this rich young man yet alone most likely his peers were willing to commit to. Today’s culture as well, is nearly disciplined to a “have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too” mentality over and above an action motivated by Love and commanded by Grace. Works righteousness has become a man-made solution to paying lip-service or platitudes to Grace-produced works of faith. A new kind of legalism that puffs and supports the ego but still supports the sad structure of greed and indifference against God and neighbor.

Humility from a faith that lives graciously into the promise of the Kingdom produces true spiritual integrity—character and purpose as a New Natured child of God. You will always find yourself going back to those who have left a strong impression upon you. At some point of your discipleship, those who have nurtured and encouraged your spiritual formation journey will and are blessings of God’s timing and presence...  A true part of being or living faithfully into the Body is allowing God to use you and as echoed in a recent essay I wrote about pastoral leadership…  It’s not about you but what you do through Grace in faith to love God and neighbor.

Six years is not a perfect number in Biblical standards, perhaps it is incomplete or perhaps fear is making it seem insecure. BUT we aren’t perfect, this we seem to continually or conveniently try to forget! It has been six whole years going on seven that I have been mentored primarily by one pastor. From congregant, to vicar to associate pastor, I continue to greatly value what Pastor Eric has challenged me with in order to grow to serve. He has never enabled more than truly encouraged… as he shared with me in study preparation for this Sunday—you have to love to serve and it’s letting God work and letting go of all that encumbers you…

In many ways loving service means embracing the unknown territories not only on land but in the turf-war battles between God and Satan for your heart.  The Evil One’s empty promises build that Jacob’s Ladder to satiate the Ego’s glory fortifying that Old Nature treasure’ trove. Christ Jesus and the Kingdom of God and all its righteousness meanwhile bring us down to the reality of what we must face in the here and now of this world as His disciples.

True “prosperity” is the beauty of the fruit of the Kingdom LIVED naturally through Grace by faith. Your faith is only as authentic as you truthfully live it with the Holy Spirit guiding your steps and the love of God renewing your life.  Being and becoming a freely responsible servant to the Gospel imperative is to embrace always transforming, growing into that vocation—commission to be, become an active member of the priesthood of all believers.

Some nineteen hundred something miles away from here lies a brand new destiny… and the only way I will be able to truly and faithfully serve the Gospel imperative is by breaking completely away from that chrysalis and becoming that New Nature butterfly.  Soaring high above in the beauty and Hope of God’s landscape of Grace—painting His New purpose for my life with each stride made to serve through love, truth and compassion.

Let us Pray—
Loving and ever-Gracious God,
Help us to keep vigilant in that turf-war
Help us to seek good and never evil
May the glory of Your Kingdom
Be born as the gracious fruits of our hands and feet
In unity, integrity in all we DO and say Your behalf
May we spiritually transform to realize
This New frontier, New purpose as Your New-Natured children
For Your Love, Through Your Love for neighbor
Now and always

October 11th, 2015; 20th Sunday after Pentecost; Proper 23; Year B; SOLA Lectionary
Sermon by Reverend Nicole A.M. Collins
Psalm 90:12-17; Amos 5:6-7, 10-15; Hebrews 3:12-19 & Mark 10:17-22

The link below is from this morning's 8am house church service:

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