Saturday, July 25, 2015

"Walking Boldly;" Sermon for July 26th, 2015 by Rev. Nicole A.M. Collins

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Well yes that is true but there’s something about that statement that seems to set people on edge.  I think it is the mere fact that it provokes fear.  It’s like the figurative polar bear plunge onto the next leg of the journey of your life as a child of God, child of Grace & promise.  We normally don’t like change.  Why is that? Is it because we can’t accept the promise and hope of things to come in a positive, non-skeptical light?

The Psalmist today seems to go out of his way to echo: “For His steadfast love endures forever.”  Essentially the Psalmist says this nine times at the conclusion of each and every verse.  Yes it is a Psalm of thanksgiving but it is saying something before these five words which are all centered around the awesome power and sovereignty of God. Could we consider this the song to sing as we dare to walk boldly by faith?  I would hold “hope” to DO so.

This past week I have been blessed to discover a whole new world within the Lutheran world of believers.  The promise and hope for a new chapter in the story of my life as a servant for Christ is something I have felt empowered and encouraged to now step forward upon those rocky waters of uncertainty. Welcome to the wild ride of ministry! It’s definitely not been easy yet alone ever seem stable…

Some people however, feel that they never really change.  They have found this false security blanket of living in the past.  Walking down the memory lanes of this is the way it’s always been… Hate to break it to you but the world is constantly changing, endlessly moving forward.  This is hard to wrap our minds around, but then we always “try” don’t we? Things seem relative and stable but the truth to be heralded from the Living Word of God is that everything, everyone, every moment and etcetera is in constant change.

The ancients used to have a great fear of the outer layer of the known universe.  They envisioned space as not the “final frontier” but as the waters of chaos & certain death, destruction. Our faith holds promise in a God however that is ALL about Grace.  Today’s passage even from the Old Testament is about God extending Grace. The many layers of colored light we have come to know as the rainbow are the calm after the storm. The painting of a life of love, hope and peace.  The Living Word illumines the profound truth we all need to hear…

A dear colleague of mine will be starting a new journey soon.  His carefree attitude about approaching taking that next great step forward amazes me.  Some people could look negatively at times to that kind of behavior as being too serendipitous or unplanned… Or it could be seen as how we need to be confident; which truly IS the nature, character & drive of faith!  All of our faith journeys as disciples of Christ are not only unique and personally challenging but need to strive towards keeping with that momentum we are NOT in charge of “really…”

The Good soil of our hearts is that 1st church as I’ve often preached about and St. Paul once again encourages us to be receptive and responsive through the reaping...  We have received the Grace of God, our response is LIVED Grace also known as faith! St. Paul’s words reminded me of receiving a beautiful statue from my late grandmother Kay years ago.  It is a white porcelain statue of St. Francis of Assisi.  Being a lover of animals especially having a decade plus of cats, I had this statue in my wall unit overseeing the urns of my former cats.  My grandmother was Roman Catholic.

Recently packing away this statue among other things STILL in hopes to MOVE somewhere….  I had to take another look at that beautiful prayer of his.

“Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace;” Yes God, please help my heart to be at peace as well as SHARE peace with my neighbor out of love for You and my neighbor.

“Where there is hatred, let me sow love;” Yes God, it is more than easy to engage in the graceless wars of others or BE a selfless fount of Grace and love to others for Your sake and for my neighbor.

“Where there is injury, pardon;” Yes God, continue to strengthen me to be a healer and someone who lives forgiveness as I must always be grateful for how You forgave an undeserving sinner such as myself!

“Where there is error, the truth;” Yes God, Help my heart to always be humble—I will never fully “arrive” to Your expectations since I will always be Your child, always growing…  Help me to stay in the plumb lines of Your Gospel imperatives’ Truth!

“Where there is doubt, the faith;” Yes God, continue to encourage me, build me with the confidence Your love and Grace have released… When the world, when other people think I am just a fool. May my heart always know and be encouraged that I am a fool for You—a Fool for Christ Jesus and His Gospel of steadfast Love and Grace that I must carry on as long as I live.

“Where there is despair, hope;” Yes God, in a world greatly struggling to find its way out of the darkness and evil that Satan has released in this world… May we stay the course and harbor that beautiful Hope that indeed IS the source of life.

“Where there is darkness, light;” Yes God, we are certainly in the midst of dark times, may the Light of Your love and Grace guide us through it.

“And where there is sadness, joy.” Yes God, You know more than anyone how we suffer on our journeys at different points long that road… Continue to open our hearts to realize the purpose and plan so that we may find joy in perseverance.

“O Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much seek…” Yes God, we must remember that You are a God who comes down to us.  Through our lives fueled by prayer, we know You are with us.

“To be consoled, as to console;” Yes God, help me to SHARE Your healing love and Peace

“To be understood, as to understand;” Yes God, may we always be learners & aware of who we are and whose we are…

“To be loved as to love.”  Yes God, Your dear Son Jesus Christ came to us and taught our hearts that He indeed is the end of the Law and that Law is Love!

“For it is in giving that we receive;” Yes God, help us to stop revolving around the world of the self and LIVE to Give out of love for You and our neighbor.

“It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;”  Yes God, Grace beckons us to be gracious as we LIVE into the promise of Your Gospel imperative—when we forgive our neighbors’ transgressions, we know the power, truth and beauty of living into the lifestyle of Grace.

“And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”  Yes God, through Your dear Son Jesus Christ, we undeserving sinners can aspire to holiness—once we reap that New Creation planted deeply in the walls of that 1st church—the Heart.

In saying, “Yes God,” it is much more than an ordering of your life to the model and journey of Christ it is walking boldly in faith! It is walking boldly as a witness, walking boldly as a voice that cannot be trampled down or oppressed by the Evil One & those seeking worldly power and control…  Walking boldly across the troubled waters of your life’s path is realizing that His steadfast love does endure even our sense of timing, completion and understanding.

Help us to embrace changing the things we feel comfortable being held under… Help us to KNOW what promise truly means which is to harbor a hope that can move mountains, transform hearts and minds to live to praise the glory of Your Kingdom as long as we are here in the world but not of it.

July 26th, 2015; 9th Sunday after Pentecost; Proper 12; Year B; SOLA Lectionary
Sermon by: Reverend Nicole A.M. Collins
Psalm 136:1-9; Genesis 9:8-17; Ephesians 3:14-21 & Mark 6:45-56

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