Saturday, October 18, 2014

"Unwavering Grace;" Sermon for Sunday October 19th, 2014 By Nicole Collins

Telling it like it is—is truly easier said than done; but Jesus sure told them didn’t He?  21b... “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”  Do we really give unwavering credence to the world or do we give unwavering hope and express even Joy in the Kingdom of God? Truth be told as Luther once said: We all fall short of the Glory of God.  It is human nature...

At the end of last week’s service and near the beginning of our Bible study I asked:  What does unwavering hope and Joy inspired by the Holy Spirit even look like to us today? Do we really understand what is being said here as the Good News? Both the terms for Hope and Joy have been profoundly twisted into meaning entirely earthly, and even transactional things for us today.  For we neither can be remotely patient enough to be unwavering... yet alone harbor hope with a trust and confidence that discipleship in Jesus essentially demands.

I don’t know how many of you have been following the story about the judge who is demanding to review sermons of Pastors in the Houston area but I recently signed a petition concerning the rights of expression and opinion.  As we are all too bombarded with in today’s cultural distortion of the Gospel of Jesus; it’s all become about politics, social agenda and the world of the self.  I didn’t sign this petition to take sides; I signed it in wondering about the future certainty, integrity and authority of the Gospel.

Perhaps these pastors may resort to distorting the Gospel of Jesus by preaching and teaching political opinions which DO NOT ever belong in the message we are to build disciples with AT ALL!  These are the things Satan uses to divide people and turn people away from God. The formation of a graceless universe is one devoid of the understanding of unwavering, the reality of hope and the truth of Joy which is the awareness of GRACE.

There may be many a sermon that my dear brothers and sisters in Christ may have composed for today that talk about this situation of censorship, monitoring and “justice...” BUT what about the Gospel, I ask?  What is Jesus REALLY wanting us to HEAR let alone discern as His Disciples?  Over and over during my spiritual formation journey towards becoming a pastor for the Lord, I was told on many occasions: You better stop studying the texts daily, you best stop writing sermons weekly....  I ask for ALL disciples everywhere who want to GROW in their faith: WHY??

Controlling the Living Word’s work within the heart of the believer is our human, worldly mistrust in God’s Grace working in, with and through His freely responsible servants, PERIOD.  If I were an aspiring political theologian, perhaps there would be something to fear... God forbid I influence people against the agenda of established religion! (YIKES!)  Let’s think about the Pharisees again, here they are in today’s Gospel, plotting cleverly to see if they can ensnare Jesus into making a political statement. DID He however?

It is interesting that they even begin their dialogue with Him essentially mocking the reality of the Truth of who He is and what He represents!  BUT let us remember, he was starting to win over the common folk... threatening the Pharisaic power and control to their “vision” of righteousness.  They were Old Testament scholars, politicians for the oppressed Israelites to keep the Mosaic Laws and keep that worldly understanding of God working through rulers.   It is human nature, the health-wealth gospel agenda practitioners of today’s culture are feeding their flocks that God’s Grace is purely for your “gain.”  Gain as a distorted layer of understanding intellectual power and idolatry of the transactional world of the self with NO accountability or sacrifice!

The reality and truth of Grace is “Joy.” The original meaning of the word Joy means to harbor an awareness of God’s grace favorably disposed.  Truth be told, I have had a very difficult time in spiritually understanding Joy, since there is so much unhappiness, evil and division in our world these days.  How can I be “joyful?” especially when tears during petitions are flowing!!  Ha~ did you catch the “play” on Words there?  Petition—people of faith recognize that as the Word for prayers—composing prayers to ascend to the Lord.  In a worldly and secular view, petitions are political “cattle-prods” to “influence” elected officials to do our bidding.

Again, Jesus is saying to us in the here and now of our very divided world: 21b... “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” As a future pastoral servant within Christ Jesus’ church in this world but not of this world; we are to learn from St. Paul’s beautiful encouraging, empowering and graceful/ Joyous message he delivers to the Thessalonians.  He tells them look at the Good work they have been doing following his, Silvanus and Timothy (the 1st seminarian)’s example: “8For the Word of the Lord has sounded forth from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but in every place your faith in God has become known, so that we have no need to speak about it. 9For the people of those regions report about us what kind of welcome we had among you, and how you turned to God from idols, to serve a living and true God, 10and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath that is coming.”

This is living into the lifestyle of Grace—discipleship joyfully realized through the Christ-centered heart enacted in our hands and feet as the unified, impartial, unwaveringly hopeful priesthood of all believers! Amen and Thanks Be to the God and Father through whom we are called and commissioned!  Not to a worldly evangelism of our own Gospel, but to the only Gospel of Grace, Love and mercy: Jesus Christ!

Truth be told about our own gospels—how can we come to know God if we are at the center facing inward?  Welcome and diversity are also words that have become twisted into the language of our new worldly religion: Politics.  Care and concern for the world is all temporal, transactional and not really for the purpose of living into the reality of Grace.  If anything, perhaps the Pharisees had it all figured out: Control, power, following political agendas/ plans of action to create a “state” of righteousness is what life is all about?  I certainly hope not!  But there is that Word again.... “Hope.”  What is Hope? 
A warm fuzzies word or the reality of the challenge of lived faith: discipleship?  

Hope is the cost and empowering factor of discipleship—it is taking up our cross to follow Jesus.  It is not just a Sunday-morning or evening reality but an everyday reality within the lifestyle of Grace. It is at this point of discerning our discipleship as well, that we need to return to the cause and mission of Christ Jesus Gospel with urgency and “telling it like it is....”  There may be no horsemen in the horizon or rivers of blood apparent; but we must face our calling and commissioning to transform not only inwardly but outwardly as ambassadors of Christ—agents of Grace.  Our “agenda” is Christ alone in a hurting, and dark world.  Through our unwavering Hope in His living and transforming Word; we can shine, build and create light in our times today.  We can allow Grace to rebuild this world through our lives lived in imitation of our servant King, Christ Jesus the Lord.

Sunday October 19th, 2014; 19th Sunday after Pentecost; Year A; Lect. 29; SOLA Lectionary  Nicole Collins
Psalm 96:1-13; Isaiah 45:1-7; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 & Matthew 22:15-22

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