Saturday, April 5, 2014

"Chrysalis Valley:" Sermon for Sunday April 6th, 2014 by Nicole Collins

Some of the creatures the Lord has made to share space with us on this small sphere are amazing.  For instance take the Monarch caterpillar and its metamorphosis into the Monarch butterfly; for a few weeks it is transforming within a hardened shell soon to emerge into a completely new being.  Once it does emerge that hardened shell dries out and returns to the earth as dust.

This is perhaps the most classic example of old to new, death to life found in nature to compare to todays texts dealing most profoundly with these themes in terms of the Spirit.  Have we really thought though, in terms of seeing ourselves change? The etymology of the word Metamorphosis means to "change of form or shape," from Latin metamorphosis, from Greek metamorphosis (metamorphosis) "a transforming, a transformation," from metamorphoun "to transform, to be transfigured," from meta- "change" (see meta-) + morphe "form".

Change plus form plus the Gospel means incorporating (internal transformation) and sharing (living faith) as a New Nature being built by the Word of God and sent to prophesy to as Ezekiel says in todays Old Testament lesson: 4b... “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them: O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. 5Thus says the Lord God to these bones: I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. 6I will lay sinews on you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the Lord.”

What would happen however if that shell becomes a vast valley and it remains enclosed, entombed by earthly ways? The New Creation never truthfully emerges, is preyed upon and eventually dies...  This leads me to talk about popular culture.  Has anyone seen that new TV series out there stretching the boundaries of ‘subtle persecution’... “Resurrection?” It is one of those shows that is going the science fiction route as seen from this past week’s episode’s talk of an “alien” craft... but what this show seems to be doing each week which is really frankly disturbing, is “teasing” or trying to lure a Christian demographic to latch on to their skeptical hooks of “perceived faith.”

The main characters so far on the series who have ‘resurrected’ came from up out of a stream or the shores near the stream.  None of the characters know how they got there, nothing has changed within them except of course that they are beginning to become alienated and rejected out of fear from the people in the town.  The show goes so far to have a “token” pastor (of course male) as one of the main character’s, Jacob, childhood friend. It is not becoming so atypical that I could predict each and every future scene but am left wondering...

Since when have we emerged from that valley (of death), really and truthfully?  Since when have we deeply grown with the Word of God on our own spiritual formation journeys to full development in Christ, to allow those wings to break free and fly?! 39Jesus said, “Take away the stone.” Martha, the sister of the dead man, said to him, “Lord, already there is a stench because he has been dead four days.” 40Jesus said to her, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” 41So they took away the stone. And Jesus looked upward and said, “Father, I thank you for having heard me. 42I knew that you always hear me, but I have said this for the sake of the crowd standing here, so that they may believe that you sent me.” 43When he had said this, he cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” 44The dead man came out, his hands and feet bound with strips of cloth, and his face wrapped in a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.”

As the Living Word, didn’t Jesus speak to all of us that if we but simply believed, we would see the Glory of God as the spiritual fruit of our faith? It is easier, however, for us to stay in that valley, the shell of the ego and our indifference since after all, “logic” guides brute survivalism—human instinct... As we hear right after this Gospel snippet the Pharisees essentially plan to kill Jesus.

The Chrysalis itself is prey for the paper wasps before it is even ready to break free! I wondered why the Cursillo empowerment movement of Christian Leadership has the butterfly as its main image as well as its main song—DeColores.  Of the many colors, is what decolores means—the promise of the Gospel, its New Life it brings.  We don’t often see those colors though...

The dried shell of the freed Monarch eventually loses its color and turns black and into ashes much like the ones we had swiped across our brow on Ash Wednesday.  To dust it has returned, the palms beneath Jesus’ feet upon our brow as a reminder of death to life.  St. Paul beckons us to die to the old and grow into the new—it is our cost of discipleship our need to make it REAL in our lives. 

The past few years we have been made witnesses to “Hollywood’s” (near blasphemous) intrusion on our very challenged battle of living into the reality of the lifestyle of GRACE with its evil temptations and vulnerable questioning of “why believe, do we need a Messiah, as well as why do we need Resurrection?” When ‘Resurrection,’ ‘Ancient Aliens,’ ‘Ghost Adventures,’ ‘Nostradamus the series,’ ‘The Dead Files’ and so on have all the answers for us.... In our fast food empty culture—empty promise-laden landscape of the Evil One—Death’s valley.

Those wrappings around Lazarus emerging from the tomb we hear are for the moment still upon him.  Does not the butterfly completely emerge from its shell? We know that they do for we see them flying in the skies, many colors... We know that people can emerge and live into the lifestyle of GRACE as given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ, our savior, font of New life.
Do we know or better said—should we claim to know how we individually grow in Christ?  Isn’t this the mystery of transformation better left to the Holy Spirit—to trust and hope in?

As having been in practical and spiritual formation going on 7 plus years to become a pastor, it’s not all about doctrinal, intellectual knowledge that is shaping me but God internally shaping my heart to serve Him and my neighbor.  This place is fully developed by God alone—through His Word, witness and in community.  Our worldly culture cannot trust in this simple TRUTH.  GRACE is received—needs to be reflected upon, confessed (conviction-building), reconciled (we must repent, acknowledge the sinner-side of us all) and renewed—living into as the New Creature—a multi-dimensional, transformed disciple of Christ Jesus.

God created us to be creative but creative in the sense that we respond through our faith.  This is very much a journey alongside the Holy Spirit to grow in, with and through the mystery of the reality of GRACE. Luther challenges us in thinking about faith and transformation: “Faith justifies not as a work, or as a quality, or as knowledge, but as assent of the will and firm confidence in the mercy of God.  For if faith were only knowledge, then the devil would certainly be saved because he possesses the greatest knowledge of God from the creation of the world.  Accordingly faith must be understood otherwise than as knowledge.  In part, however, it is assent.”

Let Us Pray:
Gracious and Loving God,
Help us to emerge from the valley of death—its shell of empty promises and “fast-food” idolatries
Help us to realize our walk of faith—our journeys
Requiring us to die and be born into New Life—may we deeply hear this, unwind ourselves to make it REAL, spiritually
For the reality of the Kingdom of God, its lifestyle of GRACE
Is learning to fly—taking off with the many colors of life... NEW

April 6th, 2014; 5th Sunday in Lent; Year A; SOLA Lectionary       Nicole Collins
Psalm 130; Ezekiel 37:1-14; Romans 8:1-11 & John 11:1-45

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